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The Q-man

Mini Event -- Molten Temple Contest

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Posted  Edited by The Q-man

Event Overview:

Hello everyone! This Friday we will attempting to beat George's latest creation and arguably the "hardest" map ever, ze_moltentemple. Those who are able to conquer this map and grab that epic team win will be forever memorialized inside the map, basically a qooler screenshot. If that's not your thing, winners will be entered into a raffle where they could win some "Epic" steam games. So bring your tryhard pants, m249 rebinds, and Long Jump scripts, because this going to be a long one. More information regarding the contest and a quick boss guide can be found here. Also recommended to download the map here before the event.


For this event we'll be playing:

  • ze_moltentemple_a4


Special Kickers:

  • 1.0 Jump Height


Time for the event:

  • Friday May 10th 10pm GMT-0
To check at which time the event is for you, check this website to give you an idea.


  • Due to the nature of this event, mic usage will be restricted and interference with leadership will result in a temporary mute.
  • Regular server rules will apply for this event as usual
  • Sitting in spec unless you're a spectating admin is not allowed.


See you this Friday!




Edited by The Q-man

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(This will not substitute or replace Saturday's event, as per usual this Saturday's event will be announced on Friday)

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