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My Ban Appeal

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Name: Meine


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:24750128


Banned by: Mom


Ban reason: Ghosting


Why you should be unbanned: I was not ghosting nor have I ever ghosted on GFL servers. I have been a member for nearly a year and only ever had two karma bans, entirely because of RDMers. The ban was issued after I had already left the server for the afternoon and I would also like to know what evidence the admin used for the ban.

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Hello @meine

First, I would like to let you know that you have been unbanned. You were banned by my error and fault. I was trying to ban two ghosters whose name were very similar to yours alphabetically and I must have grabbed your steamID instead of the player's that I meant to grab. Secondly, I'd like to formally apologize to you because this was absolutely my mistake and I take full responsibility for it. I actually remember you from earlier today and had a good time playing with you. I hope there are no hard feelings and that you continue to play on GFL. I always try to be as meticulous and careful with steamIDs as I can, but clearly I am still not careful enough per this error. So I will let you personally know that I will be much more careful going forward as to not slip up this badly again.

Thanks for appealing so I can learn from my mistake and I hope to see you on the server again,



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