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Purple Heart ban Appeal

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Name: Next Purple Heart


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41761918


Banned by: Console


Ban reason: Karma too low


Why you should be unbanned: Well, multiple people doing traitorous things getting themselves shot even while innocent lowered my karma to the point where I got karma banned.... Then as an admin got on it stopped but I got karma banned that round..  I did ask in discord for an admin, but none ever came, or stopped by for an instant. 

I have nothing to do for the rest of the day currently bored and I really like this server. 


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Guest SkydivingSquid

@PurpleHeart, I like you as a player, but in case you weren’t aware... you have 11 bans in the last 2 months. That’s essentially enough for me to invoke a permanent ban if I wanted to... (I don’t want to). I recommend you start watching your karma more closely and playing “safe” when it is low... 

Checking SourceBan, your ban has already expired, but @MilkMan and I won’t be accepting your karma ban appeals until you can show that you can play by the rules. This really shouldn’t be a problem. 


Screen Shot 2019-06-02 at 8.41.56 AM.png

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