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Remove or Improve Site 07

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I'm sure I'm not the only one that thinks this map is way too straightforward and barren. The main problems with the map are that nearly most of the scps spawn near TRO spawn and can pretty much camp the elevator or go straight up to gate A. Another problem is there's only about a few level 3's that spawn, which is the only way to move past any of the checkpoints. Weapons and ammo are also very scarce on this map giving d bois not a lot ways to defend themselves. This also doesn't give a lot of incentive to explore the map since their really isn't anything in the rooms worth running down an exposed hallway for a minute to get. Even the elevators are broken for the most part, if you keep spamming the button it's almost impossible to get off on the right floor. If you were looking to improve the map at all I'd start by adding more variety to the pickups and perhaps pushing back some of the more dangerous scps to cells further back in the facility. 10/10 ign

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I would say delete it because it does not have much going for it. Even if you were to add some guns/keycards, it does not fix how small the map is at times. Im sure someone has that one unpopular opinion in which they like it, but it just is not worth the time trying to fix it in my opinion. I would say area 96 should be removed or adjusted as well due to its terrible hcz but that is just me.



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