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What is the strangest thing to happen to you in the past month.

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What is the strangest thing to happen to you within the past month? For me it was finding a stranger passed out on my couch. (she was my roommates friend but he lives on the main floor of the house i live in the basement and he has a couch upstairs the girl could have used instead of my reading couch >_>)

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Walked with my friend to Buffalo Wild wings since he wanted to pick up food. He went inside and I waited outside. Some random guy driving by stopped and asked me if I had a lighter for his cigar (Im 15...). I said no and he drove away. According to people I look like a pot head.







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I had weirdest dream this month, I was contacted by the Board of Directors and they gave me a demotion warning because I was a bad warden at Jailbreak, they said that if I continued being a bad warden, they would demote and ban me. 



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well first off i just realized that my leg isnt real. I also didnt realize that i had a different shade on the bottom middle of my body. turns out that was just a random teenager that i somehow took while he was sleeping and had him tied in my basement. Weird what heroin does to the mind.

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