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Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

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Hey y'all. The new COD has been out for just over a month now!


What I'm wondering from y'all is how do you guys like it (for those who have played it)? What do you guys think is good about the game? What is bad about it? Favorite gun to use so far?


For me, I enjoy the game, especially with it being my first COD on PC. I love playing Zombies this year, however I'm not the biggest fan of multiplayer so far. It's weird for me to see that the way the game is played by many is different now than it used to be a few years ago. Finally, my current Go-To gun is either the Krig (for "longer range" battles) or the Bullfrog (for the "up close" battles).




Thank you @AceOfSpadesMM for the signature! Very much appreciated.

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2 hours ago, EJ. said:

What I'm wondering from y'all is how do you guys like it (for those who have played it)? What do you guys think is good about the game? What is bad about it? Favorite gun to use so far?

When I got the chance to check out the game, I pretty much enjoyed it. For myself, I enjoyed the graphics and what the game-play had to offer. Though, some of the people I played with complained of how "horse shit" or "dog shit" it was, given the fact that they really didn't like the graphics and how it could've been better. I disagree, I believe if you have a pretty decent PC(or any other console, but mainly PC in this matter), then I think the game would be very much worth your time.

My favorite Multiplayer feature would have to be the kill-for-all. I'm able to just prance around the map and be able to kill everyone I see, alone. That's how I prefer it, mostly because I happen to almost always come out to be the top three or number one with non of the same-team distractions around me lol. I hope any of this made sense, I just kinda spoke for what was on my mind for the past few seconds.


About what is bad about it, there were a few game glitches that occurred in the Zombies aspect of Cold War that were very easy to come across but they were fixed in a matter of just a few days. Knowing that the game is pretty much new , I think people would expect to see some game inconveniences but a lot of people seemed to complain about them, and the ones that are here till this day...

But my favorite weapon to use in zombies is the Knife. It allows you to kill zombies with only one slice to the body or head up until round 15..? I believe. It gets you through the round quicker and I really enjoy it, but other than that, I would really recommended the ray gun if you are able to find that through the mystery box ! Haha.


What about you? What's your favorite weapon? 🙃

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1 hour ago, Bue. said:

When I got the chance to check out the game, I pretty much enjoyed it. For myself, I enjoyed the graphics and what the game-play had to offer. Though, some of the people I played with complained of how "horse shit" or "dog shit" it was, given the fact that they really didn't like the graphics and how it could've been better. I disagree, I believe if you have a pretty decent PC(or any other console, but mainly PC in this matter), then I think the game would be very much worth your time.

My favorite Multiplayer feature would have to be the kill-for-all. I'm able to just prance around the map and be able to kill everyone I see, alone. That's how I prefer it, mostly because I happen to almost always come out to be the top three or number one with non of the same-team distractions around me lol. I hope any of this made sense, I just kinda spoke for what was on my mind for the past few seconds.

I totally agree, I think the graphics are really good, especially with a decent PC. I'm not the biggest fan of Free For All, but I totally understand wanting the gameplay without the distractions of idiot teammates. My go to gamemode right now is Hardcore Nuketown 24/7, but if that leaves, I'll be playing Core TDM and Domination.


1 hour ago, Bue. said:

About what is bad about it, there were a few game glitches that occurred in the Zombies aspect of Cold War that were very easy to come across but they were fixed in a matter of just a few days. Knowing that the game is pretty much new , I think people would expect to see some game inconveniences but a lot of people seemed to complain about them, and the ones that are here till this day...

But my favorite weapon to use in zombies is the Knife. It allows you to kill zombies with only one slice to the body or head up until round 15..? I believe. It gets you through the round quicker and I really enjoy it, but other than that, I would really recommended the ray gun if you are able to find that through the mystery box ! Haha.


What about you? What's your favorite weapon? 🙃

I totally agree with this also, it makes sense for a game to have some glitches right when it comes out. I noticed a Zombies glitch as well, but it was when I'd exfile (I'd always do it at round 31), I'd get around 350,000 - 390,000 total XP for the game session, allowing me to level up like crazy. I haven't tried it since the new "season update" was released, but a part of me hopes it is fixed and another part of me hopes it isn't fixed haha.


Also, for Zombies, my go to weapon is easily the Gallo (Spas-12 Shotgun). I've gotten to round 37 I think with it at Legendary and Triple PAPed. For Multiplayer though my go to guns are like I said, the Krig or the Bullfrog. 


Thanks for the response! Always interesting to see how other people feel about the game :) 


Thank you @AceOfSpadesMM for the signature! Very much appreciated.

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Yeah for sure, I always love pitching in my opinions on things, especially if it reflects any positive outcome towards others. Thanks for threading an interesting post, ❤️ .


And yeah, the leveling system on it was absolutely crazy and I haven't gotten the chance to get on it after the update myself, but I'm curious to as if they got around to fixing that because I believe I'm at level 60 from just a few rounds of multiplayer and zombies haha. But yeah, thanks for conversing with me among this topic, it was really nice doing so.


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Okay, so I've made a conscious decision to not purchase the game, at least not yet. I love Fireteam: Dirty Bomb, I love the new Warzone updates, and that's pretty much it. I played the crap out of the BOCW beta, and I'm playing it again for this free MP week, but I'm realizing more and more that I'm simply just not a huge fan of the game itself, and would prefer MW if I were to compare.


First off, in my experience the game is just poorly optimized. I'm playing 1440p on a 1070Ti, i5 8400. I have to play at a much lower resolution and crank down every visual setting to the lowest to get decent frames. 

Second, regarding MP, it brings nothing new to the table. No new gameplay mechanics, (yes, the killstreaks don't reset after death, that's a minor and interesting change and I like it but nothing NEW new), and nothing else that really adds a new aspect in the COD franchise. It's just - cod? Which is fine for a lot of people, but the MP gameplay loop gets old quickly. I love some of the maps though, Armada Strike and satellite are great new maps imo, and its good they're bringing back the OGs (Raid, etc). 

I think it's also great they're following in MW's footsteps regarding free content. I think it's stupid they're pushing the whole free content thing when that is becoming a norm for games now - you pay once and you generally get free new content throughout the year(s). 


I haven't played campaign due to not purchasing the game, but I LOVE the direction they took with that. Similar to BO2, multiple endings and outcomes that are determined by your decisions throughout the game is a fantastic way to carry out a campaign, and if anything I'd probably be excited for that the most. I've always been one to play COD campaigns religiously because I think they're underrated. 


And I don't have an opinion on zombies. I don't not like it, but I've never been a big fan to begin with. BO4 zombies was actually very fun, only when playing with other people. I've never played any OG cod zombies games.


I've grown up playing the MW games, I've never really owned any BO games until BO4. I loved BO4's gameplay, but everyone knows Craptivision ran it into the ground with aggressive MTX practice and ridiculous P2W weapons. So I'm not a big Black ops fan in the first place, but I have nothing against the series whatsoever. BO2 was a classic and many people's favorites.

Considering the game went on sale so quickly for $40 at base price, I have, and still am considering picking it up anyways for the whole experience. I know I won't regret the purchase entirely, because let's face it - even the "worst" cods can be fun in some way. Shoot people in the face for XP = dopamine. 


Basically, MW did it best imo. I am still a huge fan of that game and the original MW trilogy, and I'm curious how IW will do on a sequel. ted talk is over 

JerryBomb.png.e376b34f3abbf909e911ca905e69e9b5.png.148c6b4cfc47ce26dbdfacd59a6ef633.pngCreative Team of GFL.

That's it.

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