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plank24's TTT MC 24/7 Mute/Ban Appeal

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Posted  Edited by plank24

Steam Name(s): plank

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:28607817


Admin that banned you: Roger

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): Targetting


Why should you be unbanned?




So it has come to my attention that I have been banned for "targetting." I am just a little confused as to why if I was targetting the admin at the time (pingu) didnt ban me and some other admin banned me that wasnt even there. It seems like a video was sent to an admin of my "behavior" and I just cant understand why that becomes the beacon of truth. The video doesnt highlight multiple facts, like how he was targetting me just as much as I was targetting him. The rounds before that he would just call a KOS on me and make up some stupid reason why I am a traitor and the full story which is the before and after of the video. ITs 2020 anyone can paint any image they want by just using segments of video or not including all the information. The video also fails to note that I was "targetting" him while I was a traitor which is totally in my rights to do so (confirmed with pingu). I was a traitor for 4 rounds in the video and yeah can I say that I was a good outstanding citizin, no, but at the same time I just dont understand why this became a one sided story. This player has a history of complaining and accusing people of nefarious actions for the slightest inconveniences. How come no one reached out to me for my side of the story--theres two sides to everything. I have people to back me up if you would like. 

Anyways, I just want to be unbanned form vanilla where I am a regular. 


Thank you for coming to my ted talk.




Edited by plank24

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Posted  Edited by Spazzin
19 minutes ago, roberie25 said:

I can confirm that apple does do this bc its been done to me but when an admin is online he plays the victim 

Except there's a 7 minute video of plank calling false koses on him. If that's the case then you 2 should've made a player report first



Anyways, I just want to be unbanned form vanilla where I am a regular. 

As far as you wanting to be unbanned just to play on another server, if you're going to act the way you acted in that video then you don't really deserve to play on the others. Also saying you're going to murder someone's family, bruh

Edited by Spazzin

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Posted  Edited by Edge

Due to your egregious behavior (which includes threatening to murder someone's family) and lack of taking responsibility, I recommend that this ban is extended. Why did the boy drop his ice cream? | Ice cream drop, Ice cream art, Food  sculpture

Edited by Edge

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Posted  Edited by plank24

You win some and you lose some. Again everything is taken out of context. What about the stuff he said to me lmao if you want to close your eyes to everything besides what I do then so be it. Just to be clear about murdering his family he was the one who said it to me first, but who cares what I say he has a video! No one every doctors videos! You guys are about to get hard from your powers, and I get it being a server admin makes you really important!

Edited by plank24

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5 minutes ago, plank24 said:

You win some and you lose some. Again everything is taken out of context. What about the stuff he said to me lmao if you want to close your eyes to everything besides what I do then so be it. You guys are about to get hard from your powers, and I get it being a server admin makes you really important!



If you have evidence of being targeted and harassed you are encouraged to make a player report. I would also appreciate hearing your justification for threatening to murder someone and their family over Garry's Mod.

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Posted  Edited by plank24
15 minutes ago, Spazzin said:

Except there's a 7 minute video of plank calling false koses on him. If that's the case then you 2 should've made a player report first


As far as you wanting to be unbanned just to play on another server, if you're going to act the way you acted in that video then you don't really deserve to play on the others. Also saying you're going to murder someone's family, bruh


You got to get your facts right. One I was a T for those rounds, I can call KOS on people not rdming since I was a T. He also for 6 rounds before kept calling KOS on me, but the video doesnt show that though. He said it to me first, but okay! Talk down to someone you dont know or have ever met because you are an all righteous server admin. Again there are two sides to everything.

1 minute ago, Edge said:


If you have evidence of being targeted and harassed you are encouraged to make a player report. I would also appreciate hearing your justification for threatening to murder someone and their family over Garry's Mod.

I am not 10 years old I dont need a "big brother" to help me ill just quit the game and come back later. HE SAID IT TO ME FIRST. 

Edited by plank24

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In your messages to me in discord you said the video showed you were a T 4 rounds in a row... not sure if we're seeing the same video because you were Innocent, Traitor, then Detective. I confirmed the map rotation and the false KOS as detective was after I had personally joined the server and requested you to back off.


If you have evidence of applesnapper that needs to be reviewed please submit a player report.


Ban extended to 2 weeks for toxicity.

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6 minutes ago, plank24 said:

You win some and you lose some. Again everything is taken out of context. What about the stuff he said to me lmao if you want to close your eyes to everything besides what I do then so be it. Just to be clear about murdering his family he was the one who said it to me first, but who cares what I say he has a video! No one every doctors videos! You guys are about to get hard from your powers, and I get it being a server admin makes you really important!


Once again, if that was the case then you should've made a player report against him. I don't see why you're using the excuse that he started it. If you were smart then you would've got proof of all the things he were doing then made a report on him. Why would he post a video of him being a dick to you? That 's dumb

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