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[Announcement] 10th Anniversary Event Week

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GFL has had a long, long history for a gaming community. It's been through thick and thin, and highs and lows. To put it simply, none of it could have happened without the community at large. Every single one of you are responsible for GFL’s continued success as we cross this important milestone, our 10-year anniversary.


To celebrate this achievement with all of you, we are happy to present the...


10th Anniversary Event Week


Best GFL Meme Contest

Directed by @Serenity

When: 01/25-31/2021.


Karaoke Night

Directed by @Queeen

When: 01/26/2021 8pm EST.


Jackbox TV

Directed by @BlazingArson

When: 01/27/2021 8pm EST.


Movie Night

Directed by @Dragoon

When: 01/28/2021 8pm EST.


Among Us

Directed by @Kaitsedd

When: 01/29/2021 7PM EST.


GFL Trivia Night

Directed by @DrakoHD & @Serenity

When: 01/30/2021 8pm EST.


All of the events listed above besides the GFL Meme Contest, will take place in the Main Discord. If you haven't already joined you can by clicking here!

More details for the events will be coming soon. Message myself or an Event Coordinator if you have any questions!

We hope you enjoy this week of celebration! :furretlove:

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