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SFM Idea

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Alrighty, so I fucking love Half-Life, and I got this sweet ass idea for an animation, but lack the motivation to do it.

The first video would be a trailer. It's gonna start with a car driving along the cliffs of New Mexico and is heading towards Black Mesa. The shot is looking at the car window and the reflection of the facility is visible. The window rolls down and we see a little girl popping out to see it. Then we see the rear-view mirror looking directly at the driver's eyes, then he shifts the mirror to see better, and it moves it to where we can see Gman looking at the girl and then at the mirrror menacingly, with some kind of sound that gets louder once we see the Gman. That's the trailer. The rest would be dicking around trying to protect the goddamn girl from the aliens and shit.



"...You do a thing and it becomes the paint others will use on their canvas

of the internet for their memes" - Michael Stevens, Vsauce


2014 - 2020

Thanks for the good times, kings.

Former Global Admin

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Nah man if I want to do something I gotta do it myself



"...You do a thing and it becomes the paint others will use on their canvas

of the internet for their memes" - Michael Stevens, Vsauce


2014 - 2020

Thanks for the good times, kings.

Former Global Admin

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