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End of America 2017

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Posted  Edited by IRoN-mIkE

End of America 2017.

I know it sounds crazy but somehow i believe on End of america 2017 watch the whole video so you can get my point here. I enjoy watching videos likes this, so if you do cheers! 



Edited by IRoN-mIkE

BOT Muhammad  

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Posted  Edited by CheapTactic

Sorry, every year is the final year for some person out there, from 2012 and even before, people quoted things and said it was going to be the end of times...


Nothing will happen other than America getting new shitty presidents.

I don't think that large scale EMPs even exist that can shut entire cities out.

There are Solar Flares though, they can fuck us up good.




Trust me when I say, super powers won't attack each other, at least not with unconventional weapons such as nukes or EMPs and etc...No one wants the reactionary strike and no one wants the world go out and their countries turned to ash, not only from fear, but that would bring totally 0 benefit to either side.




But if an apocalyptic thing happens, war, super volcano, asteroid and etc...

We can kiss our asses goodbye, because 90 and more % of us will die on the first minutes, first days and weeks, whether we buy books or bonus buckets.


Edited by CheapTactic






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Posted  Edited by IRoN-mIkE

I think this will happen 100% if russia economy goes bad and poverty kicks in as it mentioned on the video, as i know US is destroying other countries like my country iraq, and other countries.


US did create ISIS and isis is killing christians in iraq and milions of people including muslims are fleeing middle east and going to europe and there is big problem in europe now because of immigrants, among them terrorist like isis, the goal of US was to do all this things.


Do you know everything is possible in this world and yes there is  large scale EMP of course, if you watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vn6OVLK0MBI

It tells you that EMP is milion times more powerful than any radio signal on earth.


And i like bashar al assad.

Edited by IRoN-mIkE

BOT Muhammad  

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26 minutes ago, IRoN-mIkE said:

I think this will happen 100% if russia economy goes bad and poverty kicks in as it mentioned on the video, as i know US is destroying other countries like my country iraq, and other countries.


US did create ISIS and isis is killing christians in iraq and milions of people including muslims are fleeing middle east and going to europe and there is big problem in europe now because of immigrants, among them terrorist like isis, the goal of US was to do all this things.


Do you know everything is possible in this world and yes there is  large scale EMP of course, if you watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vn6OVLK0MBI

It tells you that EMP is milion times more powerful than any radio signal on earth.


And i like bashar al assad.

The US didn't technically create ISIS, they just supplied them with weapons and money.

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thanks you to @Aura



~~~made by @King_Wailord~~~


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Posted  Edited by IRoN-mIkE
22 minutes ago, flyingjoe32 said:

The US didn't technically create ISIS, they just supplied them with weapons and money.

Well who ever watch news knows better but you don't watch news everyday like me, in 2003 they destroy iraq to kill saddam the president of iraq, he was the one who was keeping everyone safe... When they kill him everything did fall apart, later americans the chose nouri al maliki to be prime minister of iraq when that happen, nouri al maliki was shia and nouri was supporting only his shia people, you know there is 2 muslim religions in iraq  Shia and Sunni but they don't like each other that's why i'm telling you when saddam was on power he keep everyone safe, so nouri al maliki was supporting only shia and few years later things did go bad on sunni side and some sunni people they turn into ISIS and that's how isis was created. And yes US have done that too many times to  supplied  weapons to ISIS to get rid of bashar al assad in syria but am sure they stop doing it now.

Edited by IRoN-mIkE

BOT Muhammad  

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Posted  Edited by CheapTactic
2 hours ago, IRoN-mIkE said:



America destroys countries huh?That's true to some extend, I dislike the invasion US has done, but Russia has hands in it as well, nor is Russia any better than USA in that sense.


USA didn't create ISIS, they never wanted nor intended to create it, ISIS was created many years before it was known around the 2014-15, ISIS has gotten weapons and ground in the start mainly because of many Iraqi soldiers just abandoning their posts and leaving supplies basically to ISIS to loot.


The majority of people that get to Europe aren't from those areas even, the majority of them are just economical leeches that came to suck Europe's blood, while it makes Europeans awake from naivety, it won't be a big problem and I heavily doubt that USA actually planned it, the ones who want it are generally liberals that hold the governments, more votes more control.

And I do think USA should take the majority of the immigrants to its land for what it has been doing.


You like Assad huh?Well I would like to love Assad too, not too long ago I thought he was the good guy, but what I got to know is that the SAA murdered hell lot more civilians than any terror group, including ISIS combined, they killed so many its insane when you look at the numbers and now they have the Russian assistance.

I support the Kurds and the SDF and to some extend the FSA.

But again my main support goes for the SDF and the Kurdish forces and not the FSA religious legions that fight against him due to my ideology.



America did cause chaos in Iraq, but I don't know what to say about it, yeah Saddam was a strong leader, yet he committed massacres against Kurds which ended in thousands of them dead, even the Kurdish commander said that the Iraqi army is SPLIT in 2, one against ISIS and one against the Kurds which are basically the true force that always stood and fought ISIS, in order to prevent their country from rising.

But with the election of the president, since he was Shia, I actually kinda don't doubt it that Iran had a hand in it.


USA never supported ISIS nor gave it weapons, you can argue that by USA giving weapons to FSA strains that went radical that it supplied terrorists, but not ISIS directly.

The Sunni Shia wars are going to last, but they won't be the end of the world, that's what almost what basically the Civil war in Syria has turned into, same with Iraq, the Shia countries come to their support with troops and aid, while the Sunni countries come to the other side with support with mainly aid and less troops.



So you can calm down, the end is not coming close, Russia has been through worse economy states in the Cold War, but an actual "hot" war never erupted from the reasons I stated. And Nationalism rising in Europe won't do a lot other than maybe finally kill the shitty EU garbage.

Edited by CheapTactic






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