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False Ban V2 - It's not Done

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Posted  Edited by Defiance



I just didn't call out the inced, he could have told me in T chat to not throw another. I didn't realize he was still down there.

I even told you last night it was an accident but you didn't want to listen. I threw and inced down and started sniping then he walked right into it. I kept sniping then was kosed so I quickly threw another down the tower not knowing he was still standing there because I didn't even check. I didn't expect him to wait for about 30 seconds till the inced cleared. He could have told me in T chat.


9 minutes ago, TheClassyBandit said:

You clearly tried to kill him on purpose, and you did. 

Read above. Anyways, that has nothing to do with a ghosting ban.


9 minutes ago, TheClassyBandit said:

Plus the information you knew from that conversation would only be information to you if someone (27Stevep) had relayed it to you outside of the server.

What information are you talking about? I can't even defend myself here because I don't recall what information you're talking about? Maybe if you would have told me how I knew such information I would have been able to tell you? Instead of just banning me.

Edited by Defiance

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Just now, TheClassyBandit said:

Second ban appeal, one is ongoing already. Requesting lock :locked:


The prior one was locked, Classy. I requested it to be locked since you denied the appeal.













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1 minute ago, PB-n-J said:


The prior one was locked, Classy. I requested it to be locked since you denied the appeal.

It's cool. He doesn't need provide proof for a ghosting ban.

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Just now, Defiance said:

It's cool. He doesn't need provide proof for a ghosting ban

I provided it. You're just upset that you can't get this appealed. Someone lock this. :locked:

Ex TTT 24/7 Minecraft Admin.

Is Pretty Classy Too.



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Just now, Benroyjam said:

If you have more to say, you could've taken this appeal into PM for more discussion instead of making another thread. 

I've pmed him on steam and he deleted me after I kept asking for proof.

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Just now, Defiance said:

I've pmed him on steam and he deleted me after I kept asking for proof.

I meant this:


Locking this, hope CA+ doesn't mind.





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