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Synthetic's Ban Appeal

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Posted  Edited by Synthetic

Name: Synthetic


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:177621379


Banned By: CONSOLE


Ban Reason: "Disconnect: You have been banned from this server (!cake Anticheat: Incident STEAM_0:1:177621379/1388: aimbot). please visit GFLClan.com."


Why You Should Be Unbanned: I was messing around with my friend just him and I, and I had ran my LUA Script so we could have a Bhop Race, and we messed around with Aimbot and M9 Tranquilizers. Then I went to find a TTT Server and when I joined I got kicked, for "variable manipulation" which I didn't know what that was, so when I joined back a few minutes later I got banned for Aimbotting, than I realized I still had my LUA Script / Hack Menu thing running. I apologize and I swear it won't happen again. I'm a fair player, and I only use any type of cheat when I'm more or less offline or on a server alone with friends. I've heard great things about the server, and would hope to be allowed back on.

Edited by Synthetic

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