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EJ's Ban Appeal

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Posted  Edited by ejfeds - Edit Reason: adding "Paging @Violator"

Wow, haven't had to do this in awhile. Anyways:


Name: EJ


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:156954620


Banned By: Console


Ban Reason: Karma Ban


Why you should be unbanned: I mean, I'm not really sure why I am doing this, it's only a Karma Ban, but still, I was a Traitor (the round I got banned) and I was going in to kill the last remaining Innocent, but the other Traitors decided it would be fun for us all to use a Jihad, so I pulled it out, and started to click it (I had 1050+ Karma at the time), but it somehow lowered my karma to the point of a Karma Ban, and I am not sure if the other Traitors got banned for the same thing. I normally don't play TTT much anymore, but I want to play my Deathrun again xD. If it is declined, that's fine, just want something to do tomorrow in my off time, and I can't play any GFL Servers because of the ban.


*Note: @PB-n-J was on at the time of the banning, he can show logs if needed*

**Paging @Violator**

Edited by ejfeds
adding "Paging @Violator"


Thank you @AceOfSpadesMM for the signature! Very much appreciated.

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