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  • GFL Newsletter - October, November, & December 2021



    Hello! This is the October/November/December newsletter for GFL’s stuff. Just for a short introduction; I’m Dragoon, and I am one of the PR Team Co-Leads. I’m going to be working on the newsletter along with the Writing Team from now on!

    For each newsletter, we have one Easter Egg hidden somewhere. If you find it on a future newsletter, please be sure to message @Dragoon (Dragoon#5140) or @Salad (Salad#6564) to get a prize! For this Newsletter, @ItzTropicalx found the Easter Egg and received a 1 Month VIP Prize!

    - @AMP

    Late in October, the GFL Council had agreed to acquire the Physion community! Physion is a clan similar to ours that hosts 8 different servers for the game Unturned. However, even though its staff (which consisted of the owner and 1 developer) departed once our merge initiated, we had decided to maintain some of Physion’s distinctness and autonomy; essentially, it has become a “branch” or subsidiary of GFL.


    However, the following changes have been proposed/implemented to bring Physion into the fold:


    Physion’s staff team is now made up of GFL staff, much like how one of our existing departments is structured.

    The Physion community has a separate donation system, not linked to GFL's donation system at the moment, however all funds are pooled.

    Physion’s servers were all ran out of a Windows VPS. The VPS was quickly replaced with a Linux machine that integrates their servers into our GFLPanel framework. Expansions are planned, but nothing is confirmed yet, stay tuned!


    Interested in Physion? You can take a trip over to their Discord server by clicking here.


    Are you an Unturned player and want to check out what Physion has to offer? The 5 that are open are listed as follows:


    PEI (

    Washington (

    Russia (

    Arid (

    Hawaii (

    - @AMP

    Around the same time as the Physion announcement, we were saddened to learn that @FrenZy would need to resign from all of his GFL positions. However, as it concerns his Director of Divisions position, the staff team had decided that @Infra would be the right man as FrenZy’s replacement! 

    If you see them around, we’re sure Infra would appreciate a couple more warm welcomes and FrenZy a few more thank-yous for all his work!

     - @Dragoon

    A while back, @BlazingArson resigned from their positions. Though their departure was only from staff positions, they left an empty void in the Events Team as the former leader. However, this void was filled by @Copium Queen and @Duck. who are now the leaders of the team. Of course, we’re not only looking forward to seeing some very good work, but we’re also looking forward to seeing where they’ll take the team from now on!


     - @Dragoon

    While the newsletter had been on a break for some time, the Community Representative (CR) election cycle progressed from a humble beginning to a blossomed finish after a few road bumps along the way, including a run-off election.

    In the end, @Shuruia and @DaPainWayne were voted in as the CR’s who joined Council, and have currently both retained their positions. As always, be sure to commend those who ran and the cool people elected for their work.

    - @Dragoon

    For those that didn't lose hope, it may please you to know that the Rust Division has been brought back! Though there's only one 5X server that's been released so far, it's been announced that a 10X server will be opened in the near future! Due to their contributions before Rust was temporarily closed, @Baconator has been selected to be the Division Leader for Rust. If you're interested in checking the Rust Division out, you can click here to go to their Discord!



    @Infra - Director Of Divisions
    @Joshy - Staff Representative
    @DaPainWayne - Community Representative


    @DrakoHD - Senior Moderator

    @M3M3drag0n - Main Discord Moderator

    @Foe - Main Discord Moderator
    @CrazyChocolateChip - Main Discord Moderator
    @NotPaul - CWRP Discord Moderator
    @Gigi - TF2 Discord Moderator
    @Omega Ryuu - CWRP Discord Moderator

    @ItzTropicalx - Surf Timer Discord Moderator
    @Ozkody or Killes - Rust Discord Moderator

    @Dragoon - Public Relations Team Leader

    @Copium Queen - Event Coordination Team Leader , Main Discord Moderator

    @Duck. - Event Coordination Team Leader
    @ColeCWRP - Event Coordination Team Member

    @Token SomethingOrOther - Development Team Member
    @B10001100110101 - GFX Team Member


    @Kwehs - GMod CWRP Manager
    @TheREEBoi - GMod CWRP Senior Admin

    @Swiftyy - GMod CWRP Head Gamemaster
    @Karl. - GMod CWRP Head Gamemaster
    @Torro - GMod CWRP Admin
    @R3NWR3N - GMod CWRP Admin

    @Feather - GMod CWRP Admin

    @ukeji - GMod CWRP Admin
    @Papabear - GMod CWRP Admin
    @REST DD Teal - Jedi Rakan - GMod CWRP Admin

    @Nomadic_Man - GMod CWRP Admin
    @Damocles - GMod CWRP Gamemaster

    @Myers - GMod CWRP Gamemaster

    @212th Jib - GMod CWRP Gamemaster

    @KingSlayer51 - GMod CWRP Gamemaster

    @ExtraCrispy - GMod CWRP Gamemaster
    @Omega Ryuu - GMod CWRP Gamemaster

    @Big Man Fatty - GMod CWRP Gamemaster

    @DG - GMod CWRP Gamemaster

    @FeedMonster59 - GMod CWRP Gamemaster
    @Mozzie - GMod CWRP Gamemaster

    @RangAtanG - GMod CWRP Gamemaster
    @GRIM68490 - GMod CWRP Gamemaster

    @Jamie-Jay - GMod HNS Admin

    @Kaylode - GMod HNS Admin

    @lewis - GMod HNS Trial Admin
    @Toxic - GMod Prop Hunt Trial Admin
    @Doctor Pig - GMod TTT Anarchy Admin

    @DodoMans - GMod TTT Anarchy Admin

    @TechnicallySaney - GMod TTT Anarchy Admin
    @xilon100 - GMod TTT Anarchy Admin

    @Ember The Flareon - GMod TTT Anarchy Operator

    @Red Five - GMod TTT Anarchy Operator

    @SunBeam - GMod TTT Anarchy Operator
    @Neon Cat - GMod TTT Anarchy Operator
    @MD_Prometheus - GMod TTT Anarchy Operator
    @Avi - TTT Rotation Server Manager
    @BraeLyn2212 - GMod TTT Rotation Senior Admin
    @AlphaOwl - GMod TTT Rotation Senior Admin
    @Kettermelon - GMod TTT Rotation Trial Admin


    @Gigi - TF2 2Fort 2 Server Manager
    @The queen of flies - TF2 2Fort 2 Admin
    @clappingcablegray - TF2 2Fort 2 Trial Admin

    @SovietArsonist - TF2 2Fort 2 Trial Admin
    @buttmoan69 - TF2 2Fort 2 Trial Admin
    @Token SomethingOrOther - TF2 MGE Server Manager


    @ItzTropicalx - CS:GO Surf Timer Head Admin

    @kami_ - CS:GO Surf Timer Admin 

    @4chan - CS:GO Surf Timer Trial Admin
    @Akott - CS:GO Surf Timer Trial Admin
    @SimplyEesa - CS:GO Zombie Escape Admin


    @Baconator - Rust Division Leader
    @Alexis - Rust 5X Server Manager
    @Lonely - Rust 5X Server Manager
    @Foostiee - Rust Modded 5X Senior Admin
    @offline - Rust Modded 5X Senior Admin
    @Rockwolf - Rust Modded 5X Trial Admin
    @bradye - Rust Modded 5X Trial Admin

    @luccaros - Rust Modded 5X Trial Admin


    @Salad - Unturned Division Leader

    @Bendy - Unturned Server Manager

    @Moon_FRE - Unturned Server Admin

    @LemonInDisguise - Unturned Server Admin

    @rozachka - Unturned Server Admin
    @Lachaine - Unturned Server Admin

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