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[Denied] DahBeanDipKing Operator Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:62192930

Name: Leyton Leslie

Why?: I think that being an operator will be helpful for your server because mic spam, chat spam, and hacking annoys me personally, and I will be able to monitor the chat, mic, and hackers. Also, when someone's spamming mic, chat, or hacking, it makes it very hard for me to surf, and that will ruin other players' experiences in combat surf.


Thank you for reading my operator application if you disapproved of me being admin, or just wanted to read this anyways.

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Hello @DahBeanDipKing.


Thank you for your application. We'll be reviewing your application shortly. I will leave the floor open to the TF2 Staff to ask you questions.


Also, what position is it that you want to apply for? You'll need to choose between ether Operator and Admin. 



So everyone is listing their former stuff so I'll just be cool and list mine :3


Former @HackingPotato's White Knight and Boss Former Director Former TF2 Division Leader Former Community Advisor Former TF2 Technical Administrator Former TF2 Server Manager Former TF2 Trial Manager Former TF2 Admin Former TF2 Revivalist Former TF2 Player Former TF2 God Former Media Leaderish Former somewhat Media team person Former VIP Former Supporter Former Member Former TF2 Player Former Player

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+1 for operator postion i think he can do well as a start to learn, hes only 14 so i dont want him to be a admin so -1 for admin, im skeptical as to how he will do ill be monitering him closely obviously if he gets the postion.

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Hey, thanks for the application. I can see that you're interested in this server. Now, I have few questions before I decide for the vote.


1 - Can you explain by Minecraft Server being head mod?

2 - What do you mean by helping others in the server? Like, have you ever have any experience asides MC?

3 - Would you end up being fair to everyone, such as, if your friend broke a rule, you eventually handle it like punishing them?








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@Snoopy Operator


@Benroyjam 1: I was the first mod out of all the mods in the server, and the owner knew me the most out of all the mods.

2: If someone's having trouble surfing, or with the shop, I can help them learn how to surf/use the shop, ect.

3: Yes, I would punish my friends if they broke rules.


I hope that answered all the questions asked :)



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You've only got about 10 hours on the server. Do you run with any other names at all? 


When did you start playing on the server?



So everyone is listing their former stuff so I'll just be cool and list mine :3


Former @HackingPotato's White Knight and Boss Former Director Former TF2 Division Leader Former Community Advisor Former TF2 Technical Administrator Former TF2 Server Manager Former TF2 Trial Manager Former TF2 Admin Former TF2 Revivalist Former TF2 Player Former TF2 God Former Media Leaderish Former somewhat Media team person Former VIP Former Supporter Former Member Former TF2 Player Former Player

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  • Snoopy changed the title to DahBeanDipKing Operator Application

Any response to our questions yet?



So everyone is listing their former stuff so I'll just be cool and list mine :3


Former @HackingPotato's White Knight and Boss Former Director Former TF2 Division Leader Former Community Advisor Former TF2 Technical Administrator Former TF2 Server Manager Former TF2 Trial Manager Former TF2 Admin Former TF2 Revivalist Former TF2 Player Former TF2 God Former Media Leaderish Former somewhat Media team person Former VIP Former Supporter Former Member Former TF2 Player Former Player

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No response for 5 days, I'm afraid I'm going to deny this application. 



So everyone is listing their former stuff so I'll just be cool and list mine :3


Former @HackingPotato's White Knight and Boss Former Director Former TF2 Division Leader Former Community Advisor Former TF2 Technical Administrator Former TF2 Server Manager Former TF2 Trial Manager Former TF2 Admin Former TF2 Revivalist Former TF2 Player Former TF2 God Former Media Leaderish Former somewhat Media team person Former VIP Former Supporter Former Member Former TF2 Player Former Player

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