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Public Teamspeak Event Polls  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. What day would be best for you?

  2. 2. What time would be best?

  3. 3. Will you most likely attend?

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Posted  Edited by Severely_Artistic

Hey guys!


STRAWPOLL FOR VOTING ON EVENThttp://www.strawpoll.me/12901985


I am going to be working with the Teamspeak admins to host GFL's very own LIVE PUBLIC EVENT ON TEAMSPEAK! Now then, the way we will get this set up is by seeing what you guys want. I am going to keep polls open for the day and time you want the event to be held. As for the event itself, the ideas should come from you guys! Here a few ideas I came up with if you guys are interested:


-Karaoke Night

-Comedy Central style roasts

-Movie Night

-Large moderated discussions on any topic(s) (ex. politics)

-Online games (needs to include everyone)


I'll be holding up the polls for the day and times. Feel free to comment below if you'd like to add a day/time! The length of the event will depend on what the event will be.

Hope you can all attend!


-Severely Artistic

Edited by Severely_Artistic


TTT Admin

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I'll be honest and blunt: This isn't the first live because we did this years ago already. But good luck with it though.


credits to @Clavers

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Posted  Edited by Roxie_Foxie - Edit Reason: Did research

Yes lets leave the polls open for A DAY

This is too short of notice

You should be more prepared

The cancer is going to be real

Seriously I get it you want to help

but do it right


Set the shit up for maybe sayyyy NEXT week that way people can plan for it, considering we already have a meeting going on over the weekend if im not wrong 




The one im thinking is set for next week


Set yours for two weeks from now

that way we can see how one with JUST admins go first

Edited by Roxie_Foxie
Did research

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1 hour ago, Roxie_Foxie said:

Yes lets leave the polls open for A DAY

This is too short of notice

You should be more prepared

The cancer is going to be real

Seriously I get it you want to help

but do it right


Set the shit up for maybe sayyyy NEXT week that way people can plan for it, considering we already have a meeting going on over the weekend if im not wrong 




The one im thinking is set for next week


Set yours for two weeks from now

that way we can see how one with JUST admins go first


I never said this is happening THIS Friday/Saturday/Sunday. If not enough votes/suggestions come in, I'll postpone it to next week or even the week after. Shit is flexible.


TTT Admin

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This sounds like a terrific idea man. Who thought of this?

- Triggered -

Creative Team (GFX) 

Former Hide and Seek Manager 

Former Purge Admin

PM me for personal requests

Idk like it kinda sucks 2 suck unless you like sucking :B|:

Fᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤFᵤcₖ yₒᵤ

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Posted  Edited by Severely_Artistic
8 hours ago, Hannah said:

This sounds like a terrific idea man. Who thought of this?

Me :)


Also, so far Saturday 8:00 PM EST seems to be the most voted for. I'll try to finalize everything today then so that way we can have it tomorrow. I'll be putting up the poll for what you guys would like to when I get home!

Edited by Severely_Artistic


TTT Admin

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2 hours ago, Crusty said:

A drunken Comedy Central Roast should be good.

We do need someone who is willing to get roasted though. I'm tryna get Violator to be roasted but if any higher up would like to take the place, that'd be great.


TTT Admin

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TO EVERYONE ATTENDING THE EVENT TONIGHT, just come on the teamspeak server (ts.gflclan.com) and join the event room! Hope to see everyone there!


TTT Admin

Breach Admin

Ragdoll Combat Manager




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So update on the event.


The event was definitely some fun, but unfortunately I had some unexpected connectivity issues pop up for whatever reason possible. Nonetheless, we still had some good laughs. I'm going to try to get more ideas for the next event possibly 2 weeks from now! I'll make a new thread on that.


TTT Admin

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