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Greetings People

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<3 Hello everybody as some of you may know (Like three people cause I don't have friends and momma says that she should be my only friend) my name is Vyntrex or you can call me Jake I go by various names I have picked up from the past few years some are McLovin,The Scientist from the Simpsons,That retarded kid from Southpark etc some things about me are I like playing games and I am a photographer/street artist an I used to play competitive games but I've sorta quit that welp I just wanted to say Hi to everyone an I'll be seeing all of you lovely people on the server <3

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Hey @Vyntrex!

My name is iPro but you can call me Phillip.

I was the one who accepted your member application, I really hope to see you around soon.


I see you said that you like photography, I happen to be a self-employed photographer who runs his own business.

Photography is my passion, maybe we can chat about it some time!


If you have any questions or just want to talk, PM me!

I'll always be here. :^_^:

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43 minutes ago, iPro said:

Hey @Vyntrex!

My name is iPro but you can call me Phillip.

I was the one who accepted your member application, I really hope to see you around soon.


I see you said that you like photography, I happen to be a self-employed photographer who runs his own business.

Photography is my passion, maybe we can chat about it some time!


If you have any questions or just want to talk, PM me!

I'll always be here. :^_^:

I'll definitely talk to you about it and thanks for accepting my member application means alot

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15 hours ago, psychoshadowXXX said:

Nice to meet you Jake my name is PsychoShadowXXX but you can call me Gavyn. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.

Ello m8


7 hours ago, JerryHatTrick said:

Isn't this the thread for free stuff?!?


Seems I had an old brain fart, sorry :)


Welcome to GFL, and please check your sanity at the door...

Thanks you

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QJivz5R.png s4efLgo.png
▔▔▔ ME TIMBERS ▔▔▔
I'm a pirate, living it high on the seven seas
☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠
"For years I've been rushing around, taking whatever I fancied, not giving a tinker's curse for those I hurt. 
Yet here I am... with riches and reputation, feeling no wiser than when I left home. 
And when I turn around, and look at the course I've run... 
there's not a man or woman that I love left standing beside me."
Important Information
▶If you haven't already done so, apply for membership at:http://gflclan.com/memberapplication
▶If you wish to be a supporter/vip, go to: http://gflclan.com/donate
▶ If you have problems or concerns regarding the server you play on, check the forum game section to see if any of your related concerns are answered. If not, go ahead and ask.

▶ Have a problem with a player or an admin? Record and report on the forums. If it's an admin report, keep it in Private Message to the appropriate manager of the server.
▶ Want to know what servers we have? Click on each game forum section. They'll have a Gametracker IP attached to it.
▶ Good at GFX Design or making Videos? Join the Creative Team! There is currently no leader, but I'm co-leader. You may message me or anyone in our team.
Hey dere~!
Welcome to GFLClan community. I'm Bae/Derpy and if you have any problems, please let me know. I will help you the best I can. Hello Jake. I would like to see your artwork, if that's fine by you. You seem like a nice, person, so I hope we can be nice acquaintances. What server did join from that's GFL? Or to put it simply, what's your favorite GFL Server?


credits to @Clavers

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Hey there!  I'm not gonna be as fancy as those above me.  I'm nap14hockey, call me whatever (even my real name if you can find it).  I usually hang around the GMOD side of things.  I haven't seen you, but I faintly remember someone named mclovin.  Idk if you are him, but it's kind of irrelevant. I'd love for you to add me, and feel free to hit me up whenever.  I'm a pretty lax guy, and I don't bite.  If there would be anything you would need, I'd be glad to assist.


Have a fun time here at GFL



(Made by @Rose, thx :D)

[Former]- Breach Admin, OLD Purge SR. Admin, HnS admin, GMOD Murder admin, GMOD JB Admin, TTT Admin, Forum Moderator, Discord Moderator, Public Relations Team Member, Media Team Member



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