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What's the weather like where you are right now? 

It's getting ready to rain where i am.

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Well it's buffalo.  The weather has been a cycle warm -> freezing / rain -> rain -> more rain -> rain again -> still raining -> What the hell, snow?!?! -> more rain -> kinda warm -> repeat.


(Made by @Rose, thx :D)

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Since I live in Missouri, summers are scorching and winters are Antarctica...


Its starting to be around 80s and 90s every day since it's getting to be around summer time.



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i live in Houston, Texas. In the summer, it gets into 100 degrees, but sometimes it will get freezing. In the winter, it will go to about 30 degrees at the lowest, and sometimes it will go up to the 80s


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jat.jpeg.cf67632929160b2d4e0df99335e7fba6.thumb.jpeg.a268ca114a3acfa34d666597b4d1a461.jpegMade By @Charmayy


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@Jat02 my friends moved there from Missouri, and he used to always hate snow over here, but now he never even sees it 



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