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GFL Roblox Server  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Should a Roblox server be added?

    • Yes
    • No

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Wth why roblox? That will definitely attract a younger audience to the site.

If we have a minecraft server, we won't need roblox. 




Even if we don't have a minecraft server, we sure as hell don't need a roblox one.

JerryBomb.png.e376b34f3abbf909e911ca905e69e9b5.png.148c6b4cfc47ce26dbdfacd59a6ef633.pngCreative Team of GFL.

That's it.

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This isn't the first time someone suggested this but I'm voting no. I don't need to explain why I'm sure most people will understand why. 


credits to @Clavers

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"I voted no. My brothers play this game religiously so I was able to talk to them about all I would need to know. First of all, you need to have the Outrageous Builder's Club membership to even convert Robux to real currency ($20 monthly; $130 annually) which does not come with many perks that we would be able to benefit greatly from other than having that ability. Second, the Robux to dollar ratio minimum requirement when exchanging the currencies is 100k Robux to $250. According to my brother, this is not an amount that is easy to get especially as a game/server just starting out. Getting popular and making a good original game for people to play is not an easy task either. The amount of work that would be required to set all this up would not be worth it in my opinion. I do not care how popular or how much of a "meme" it had become. As @Nick said, the player base is not exactly a group we want migrating into our game servers or forums since a majority of it is made up of little kids (worse than GMOD or any of our other current game server communities). 


Someone asked about needing a VIP server or not. My brother just said it was just a private server that people need an invite to join. This is mostly for a group of friends and would not benefit us. I asked my brother about MEGA servers and he did not know what I was talking about, making me think they do not exist anymore since any documentation I can find on them is from 2011. If they do exist, though, they are "games whose servers could hold up to 50 [or more] players with a reduced amount of lag than normal due to increased capabilities of the computation power with additional players". This requires a Builder's Club membership, but we would have this anyways if we wanted to convert currency. 


If you want to waste time trying to do this expansion, be my guest, but I do not see it going well in any way."


I wrote this on a non-public post from a few months ago. The answer is no regardless of the outcome of this poll.

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this suggestion was only made not that long ago and was denied being what qdogg said, it would cost to much to even think about making a roblox server, and we don't even have the devs to pay.


so for now Denied. should have been posted here if it was for real: https://gflclan.com/forums/forum/39-suggestions/



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