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@Neon I'm not finishing the existing stone tower map. 


I made my own, with the game texture, models. An exact reproduction (same scale as the game).


I remake the whole Ikana area (final area of the game).


 the Stone tower (ST), stone tower temple (STT), inverted ST and inverted STT are build.

(You can play the bhop map Stone Tower, that I released last year, which contain the ST and the first room of the STT)


ikana castle is also 90 % built, the inside too. The bottom of the well is done.


the ikana canyon / valley are also fully built, but not textured at all, which is pretty long to do (I havent touched the vmf since few months since I have build these )


what I need to build is the cemetery and the tombs below the cemetery.


and I have been pretty lazy recently (since shroom3 is done :lenny: )


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