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I'm out boys. [Zombie MOD EU]

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Posted  Edited by SwegBuster

Hey guys, I will make this pretty short.


  It all started 2 years ago when my friend introduced me to Zombie Mod EU. I've never had so much fun playing with other people. I decided to come in contact with the server manager back then (Positive). He was literally my dad. He showed me everything, he believed in me. Some weeks later he decided to accept my admin application and I was very hyped being an admin in a such wonderful community. I was literally no-lifing the zombie mod server and I was hooked. 

  Some months later the manager decided to step down and he suggested me to become the new manager. And so I became the new manager, the Higher Ups contacted me and I accepted it right away. After this long journey i've decided to step down. I'll be sticking around on the zombie mod servers sometimes.


I want to thank @Dano, @Infantry, @FrenZy, @positive and @SwegBuster.


Positive: Thanks for your faith in me, I wouldn't be here without you. You're a real legend.

SwegBuster: Literally man, I don't know how to thank you. You've been helping me alot and I hope you will be the new manager. You deserve it man. Mad skills


Dano,Infantry and FrenZy: Thanks for believing in me. You've been helping me alot since the beggining. 


Thanks to all admins that have been helping me out with the server. Love you all 


Alex out.

Edited by SwegBuster

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Sad to see u go, had a great time with u being the manager of zm eu and helping me whith thing as admin. i hope to see u pop on once and a while :D


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riperoni. I don't really know who you are, but Zach always brag about you.


Goodbye and you've done a wonderful job with ZM eu. :-)


credits to @Clavers

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