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New Special Round: Scp-1730

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Based on the SCP-1730 article, where Tau-5 "Samsara" lead a rescue operation into the bowls of the alternative universe foundation facility in order to rescue surviving mtf and other foundation personnel.


Basic Round Description: There is only MTF, researchers, and SCPs. In addition, there is 4 'stronger' mtf, the Tau-5 Samsara. They have double or triple the health(depends on how balance goes), and spawn with night vision. They lack keycards on spawn, forcing them to stick with the mtf and researchers. There should be a maxinum of 5 mtf, 4 tau-5, and 10 researchers. Everyone else is SCP.


The goal of the MTF, researchers, and tau-5 is to get out of the facility. Unlike a normal round, MTF can escape at the escape zone. SCPS win if all of the MTF, researchers, and tau-5 die.


All of the human players spawn together in SCP-173's control room. 


Available SCPS:

ALL scps, including scp-008s.
Also including several new 'scps'. The scp-1730 base had some unknown anomalous creatures, and countless more that weren't seen in the group's escape efforts. I wont bother suggesting exact stats, but heres a few sweps that could be cool to use(obviously dont use all of them, just here as ideas):




http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1182986169&searchtext= (The scp was known to hold several reality warpers)















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Posted  Edited by Duc2000

Fuck yeah +1! Probably my favorite SCP story, was amazing.
This could work even better when Xy adds the site 13 map.
EDIT: Also, it would be even better if it was in the Dark (but SCPs saw it as light since they don't have flashlights)

Edited by Duc2000

“I was so good at being a kid, and so terrible at being whatever I was now.”
― John Green, Turtles All the Way Down

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