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Coup going on in Turkey

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Its weird, there's so much right now thats unclear about what the Turkish Army really wants and what their motives are. They are claiming its to restore a secular and democratic government, which makes sense with Erdogan in power, who is often labelled a 'dictator' and such. It'll be interesting to see how this turns out.

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I heard that Erdogan is going to, if hasn't already, blame his political rival for staging the coup d'etat.


And the Turkish Armed Forces staged the coups in the event that the leader of Turkey starts veering the country away from becoming a secular and democratic country, as originally intended by the reforms of their first president, Mustafa Ataturk. I mean they did have like, 4 or 5 coups since the founding of the Republic of Turkey.

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CNN place in Turkey, you can really see that the soldiers aren't blazing their guns, just look at this, they getting beaten up...

Erdogan enemy Gulen strongly condemns attempted Turkey coup.

Around 76 dead and thousand injured.

Commander of 3rd Army, Brigadier General Ekrem alar was arrested in Erzincan (rebel side).

coup forces seem to have collapsed in #Istanbul, situation in #Ankara still unclear but government seems to have the upper hand.

Many arrested including admirals and generals from the Turkish army...

General Staff headquarters in Ankara successfully re-taken from coup soldiers-and this is somewhat the final blow....You can say goodbye to the coup....


Muh coup :(







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4 hours ago, CheapTactic said:

An image of one of the rebel soldiers getting arrested.


You'd expect the rebellion side to be a bit more aggressive...

Looks like his neck is trying to be snapped.

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Just now, Wolfii said:

Looks like his neck is trying to be snapped.

I hope not...

Also I was wrong, it was clarified that the chief general staff of Turkey didn't die and was rescued from the rebellion forces.

There are a few pictures of soldiers getting..Killed by the people I think...I am not sure though.






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13 minutes ago, CheapTactic said:

I hope not...

Also I was wrong, it was clarified that the chief general staff of Turkey didn't die and was rescued from the rebellion forces.

There are a few pictures of soldiers getting..Killed by the people I think...I am not sure though.

Honestly wtf is wrong with this world today...

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10 hours ago, Wolfii said:

Honestly wtf is wrong with this world today...


Same things that's been plaguing the world for a while. People thinking that they're somehow superior and correct because they think something tends to be the core reason for most problems. It enables people to do a lot of atrocities.


Anyway, Turkey will probably become a true dictatorship in the coming weeks/months. He's already taken more power since the failed coup, I think.


Also, I'm in the camp of people that think that this was a staged coup by Erdogan. He was flying around in a plane and no one thought about shooting it down. They also didn't really do much to stop him from broadcasting over live television to the people. This was poorly thought out and didn't do anything to stop him. Seems fishy to me.

"Be good people"

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7 hours ago, Major_Push said:


Same things that's been plaguing the world for a while. People thinking that they're somehow superior and correct because they think something tends to be the core reason for most problems. It enables people to do a lot of atrocities.


Anyway, Turkey will probably become a true dictatorship in the coming weeks/months. He's already taken more power since the failed coup, I think.


Also, I'm in the camp of people that think that this was a staged coup by Erdogan. He was flying around in a plane and no one thought about shooting it down. They also didn't really do much to stop him from broadcasting over live television to the people. This was poorly thought out and didn't do anything to stop him. Seems fishy to me.

Well, whether it was planned or not, the people thought it was real, so they acted to stop it, sadly over here there aren't as many people getting up over serious problems..


I'm on the border when it goes if it's staged or not, who would risk their entire lives, throw their careers down the drain and go to jail for a long long time for him?

On the other hand the "pro coup" soldiers were young if you can look at the pictures, some of them said they thought this was just a drill, of course also with the arrest of many many judges, and officers including generals over such a short period of time brings some suspicions as well.

But again, if the soldiers thought this was a drill, who was in the firefights?Did they not think something is wrong that they shot at police in the middle of large cities?

Of course the number of rebels was very small to actually even make this coup successful in any way, they didn't had the support from the people as well, so here's also another point if it was staged.


But I heard one theory that makes sense, the leaders that led the coup discovered that they were targeted and were on to, so they rushed the coup out..which why it was such a big failure.






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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted  Edited by KawaiiHunter

Even though the coup is long over as an turkish person myself here are my thoughts: i am for erdogan since he isnt that bad as everyone thinks. Allot of newsChannels and people are telling lies about him he said himself the coup was an betrayel of the country which i tell that is completely correct a military shouldnt be doing this and the creator of this fled to greece since he knew he had lost. I do feel sorry for some soldiers like that picture ^ above because they were ordered too. But erdogan isnt doing the bad things himself: the coup destroyed his villa, bombed the parlement building and a bathhouse in marmara its an old bathhouse that goes back to the time of sultans. If you didnt know almost 3000 people got arrested and 160 deaths or something idk anymore

Edited by KawaiiHunter

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On 7/17/2016 at 0:05 AM, Major_Push said:


Same things that's been plaguing the world for a while. People thinking that they're somehow superior and correct because they think something tends to be the core reason for most problems. It enables people to do a lot of atrocities.


Anyway, Turkey will probably become a true dictatorship in the coming weeks/months. He's already taken more power since the failed coup, I think.


Also, I'm in the camp of people that think that this was a staged coup by Erdogan. He was flying around in a plane and no one thought about shooting it down. They also didn't really do much to stop him from broadcasting over live television to the people. This was poorly thought out and didn't do anything to stop him. Seems fishy to me.

He wasnt flying in a plane he was at a bathhouse in marmara

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On 7/16/2016 at 6:05 PM, Major_Push said:


Same things that's been plaguing the world for a while. People thinking that they're somehow superior and correct because they think something tends to be the core reason for most problems. It enables people to do a lot of atrocities.


Anyway, Turkey will probably become a true dictatorship in the coming weeks/months. He's already taken more power since the failed coup, I think.


Also, I'm in the camp of people that think that this was a staged coup by Erdogan. He was flying around in a plane and no one thought about shooting it down. They also didn't really do much to stop him from broadcasting over live television to the people. This was poorly thought out and didn't do anything to stop him. Seems fishy to me.

There's always been a lot of rebellious factions within the turkish government ever since erdogan started to enforce authoritarian policies. I'm more inclined to beileve he had spies or some sort of informants within these rebel factions giving him the intel he needed about when and where they were going to strike then perfectly orchestrated a counter-offensive.

Either way the military played right into his hands.

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2 hours ago, KawaiiHunter said:

Even though the coup is long over as an turkish person myself here are my thoughts: i am for erdogan since he isnt that bad as everyone thinks. Allot of newsChannels and people are telling lies about him he said himself the coup was an betrayel of the country which i tell that is completely correct a military shouldnt be doing this and the creator of this fled to greece since he knew he had lost. I do feel sorry for some soldiers like that picture ^ above because they were ordered too. But erdogan isnt doing the bad things himself: the coup destroyed his villa, bombed the parlement building and a bathhouse in marmara its an old bathhouse that goes back to the time of sultans. If you didnt know almost 3000 people got arrested and 160 deaths or something idk anymore


What are your thoughts on him removing a lot of judges, educators, etc.?


I always hear from the anti-Erdogan side. It would be nice to hear the thoughts of a supporter.

"Be good people"

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Posted  Edited by KawaiiHunter
9 minutes ago, Major_Push said:


What are your thoughts on him removing a lot of judges, educators, etc.?


I always hear from the anti-Erdogan side. It would be nice to hear the thoughts of a supporter.

Eh you can be a anti-erdogan every1 has a side even though like i said you dont know nothing about what really happened 


would be nice if there was some1 who supports my judges

Edited by KawaiiHunter

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On 7/29/2016 at 8:01 PM, KawaiiHunter said:

Eh you can be a anti-erdogan every1 has a side even though like i said you dont know nothing about what really happened 


would be nice if there was some1 who supports my judges

Look, I dislike his more Islamist behaviors and acts so I supported the army, but the army if they wanted to finish the job should have just shot him down the moment they had the chance.


But a revolution is a revolution and a failed one is a failed one, he was chosen by the mere majority so he has the ability to remove the danger so another coup won't happen and etc...






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