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Special Round: "Revised Entry" (Tale Reference)

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Posted  Edited by Doomnack





Well, it actually took me some time to realize that the weeping angels round was removed. For those who remember it, it was a pretty nice round. I found it as one of those extremely difficult and tense rounds, like malpractice. Whenever you see the words "round type: malpractice" on your screen, you know you're going to be screwed, the shitton of scps that will spawn will hunt down every single person on the map. However, the fun comes from the thrill of knowing that you're going to be screwed, because you know you are going to be challenged. That's how weeping angels should have gone.


Weeping angels was removed because not a lot of people liked it though. They found it dull, and boring, and well, they weren't wrong. It's really just your ordinary breach round except only 173 spawns, that's really it.


So, what if it we change it up a bit?


This suggestion is based of the wiki tale, "Revised Entry": http://www.scp-wiki.net/revised-entry



Roundtype: Revised Entry

SCP-173 is experiencing anomalous activity inconsistent with its previous behavior.

The sculpture(s) now create duplicates of themselves every 2 minutes; there are two copies so far.

Neutralize all instances before things escalate out of your hands.



So, now there's pressure. Can you kill all the sculptures before it's too late?


At the beginning of the round, two instances of SCP-173  are contained comfortably in their cc. They spawn with 750 HP, just to balance the anomalous events that will take place later in the round. There's only two instances to begin with, but not for long.


Any instance of SCP-173 now multiply by two every two minutes. The instance will created at each living instance's location. A random spectator is chosen to play as the created instance. This basically makes it so the two starting instances will create one each after 2 minutes, and then the four instances will create one each after 2 more minutes, and then the eight instances will create one each after 2 more minutes, and so on.


Since the average breach round goes own for around 12 minutes, this means a total of 128 instances of 173 can be created, which can definitely be more than the amount of people in the server, so obviously the max amount of 173's will probably not be reached in a round, but the amount of created instances will be overwhelming. MTF need to work fast to neutralize each instance. Instances may be neutralized in the meanwhile, so the maximum amount may not be reached. See below for a visualization of the instances being spawned.


This is the number of instances alive at each two minute mark, assuming that no instances were killed throughout the entirety of the round, which is unlikely.

  • Estimated number two minutes in: 4
  • Estimated number four minutes in: 8
  • Estimated number six minutes in: 16
  • Estimated number eight minutes in: 32
  • Estimated number ten minutes in: 64
  • Estimated number twelve minutes in: 128 (The round will end by here anyways so all the spectators just respawn as 173 just to hang out and kill any humans that didn't manage to escape).


Don't let 128 instances scare you. There will likely be far less instances by the end of the round, if the MTF engage the sculptures that is. There probably won't even be enough people in the server, so it will be even smaller.


Please let me know what you think, because I think this might need some balance. But hey, it's better than weeping angels.


"Thanks and have fun."

Edited by Doomnack

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