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the SCP entertainment tier list

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Posted  Edited by Boomer

this was inspired by @Cpt.Haxray and his SCP tier list, which i encourage you to all read because its really well researched and put together.



This post will go over my personal list of tiers for how much fun a role is to play. This includes all of the roles, not just SCPS.





These roles are just horribly unfun to play as. Everything about them sucks.



god i fucking hate the researcher. everything about playing the reasearcher is absolute ass. you spawn, and EVERyoNe is on your side, except for class D's and scps, but they are barely a problem once you get to EZ, which is fairly easy for a researcher to do. Then you have access to EVERYTHING. you get to the gate and realize that it is past the 8 minute mark, which means that once you escape you have a long wait before you MAYBE become a backup. and you are faced with the fact that your life sucked. You either escape, or get escorted, or try hard to make it worthwile to play, but you know deep down that it's never gonna get any better. and you are forced in this white fucking scientist role almost as often as you become a d class. and even D CLASS are more fun to play as, because there is some risk involved. When youre a d class, its you versus the world. When youre a researcher, its you against your own crippling self loathing. God, there are no words that exist in the human lexicon that could possiby describe how much i absolutely despise the abhorrent display of human suffering that is the researcher.




everything else.





Edited by Boomer

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21 minutes ago, Doomnack said:


god i fucking hate the researcher. everything about playing the reasearcher is absolute ass. you spawn, and EVERyoNe is on your side, except for class D's and scps, but they are barely a problem once you get to EZ, which is fairly easy for a researcher to do. Then you have access to EVERYTHING. you get to the gate and realize that it is past the 8 minute mark, which means that once you escape you have a long wait before you MAYBE become a backup. and you are faced with the fact that your life sucked. You either escape, or get escorted, or try hard to make it worthwile to play, but you know deep down that it's never gonna get any better. and you are forced in this white fucking scientist role almost as often as you become a d class. and even D CLASS are more fun to play as, because there is some risk involved. When youre a d class, its you versus the world. When youre a researcher, its you against your own crippling self loathing. God, there are no words that exist in the human lexicon that could possiby describe how much i absolutely despise the abhorrent display of human suffering that is the researcher.

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