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Profile Banner Request

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I'd like for Uncle Ian to take this request, take as much time as you want (not urgent), I know you're busy @Radify


Profile Banner:

Size: I honestly don't know the size of the profile banner.

Render, Image, or Theme: Something cool (like the signature you created)

Text (Place in spoiler): TheSadBandit

Color Scheme/Style/Effect: I don't care, just want the generic one I set up 4 years ago changed.

Example/Reference: Honestly anything

Additional Information: You could relate it to penguins, but whatever you seem fit would be good too.


Former Gmod Prop Hunt Admin

Former Media Team Team Leader

Former Media Team GFX Member

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How about PMing Radify about the request and not posting it to the request forums? Then only Radify can see the requests and not everyone in GFX. 


Maybe Radify should get his own sub-forum because everyone wants Radify to make an artwork for them.

Updated: 1/11/22 (MM/DD/YY)


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Posted  Edited by Radify


my man @TheSadBandit 









penguin abbey road wallpaper 


Edited by Radify


Retired Admin for CS:GO SURF RPG DM

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2 hours ago, Chef. said:

Every other GFX member be like


Go make me a sandwich chef :lenny: 

2 hours ago, AceOfSpades said:

How about PMing Radify about the request and not posting it to the request forums? Then only Radify can see the requests and not everyone in GFX. 


Maybe Radify should get his own sub-forum because everyone wants Radify to make an artwork for them.

I mean he made my signature so I'd like for the art to match, GFX people usually have their own style, mines more of a simplistic one, while Chef does more complex things. So I like the fact I can choose to have matching art? Anyways, I'll probably change my pfp at some near future where I wouldn't care about who does it.


1 hour ago, Radify said:


my man @TheSadBandit 



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penguin abbey road wallpaper 


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i fucking love it

Former Gmod Prop Hunt Admin

Former Media Team Team Leader

Former Media Team GFX Member

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