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[SCP Suggestion] SCP-569

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(Note i am making this, and other suggestions, separate threads again since frankly people don't like reading the big thread. I am still gonna post em on the big thread though, just also separately).



Brief Description: A group of animated disembodied marble heads that, when angered, transform into floating marble skulls and vomit muti-colored marble onto people or nearby walls.



Health: 800-1000(Idk good health values anymore)

Speed: 049 speed

Spawn: Unused containment cells on 02 and 61. Not sure for other maps. 

Model: Default hl2 skull model(do the same trick you did for 681).


Gameplay description:

569 has two main abilities. With its left click it vomits rainbow colored marble all over enemies. This does less damage at range than up close. This turns the person's model rainbow colored slowly after repeated exposure to the attack. It also applies a permament and stacking 1% slow per tick of damage. This slow can only be removed by using a scp-500(which would also remove the rainbow effect) or by intentionally taking mutiple candies from the candy bowl. 


Visually/mechanically, this attack could either act similar to the vomit swep(linking it so you get an idea of what that looks like/acts like) or like a 'beam' attack of some sort. 


His second ability, on a minute cooldown, allows him to plac... i mean, vomit, a rainbow colored wall infront of him. No one can pass through these walls and they last til they are destroyed. They have 'effectively' 300 or so hp. 


Vomit Swep: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=450215397

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