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[Special Round Suggestion] Mr.Redd

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Based off of the only tale 'officially' part of the little meister series. 


Round Setup:

No D-class spawn.

No researchers spawn.

Only 2 SCPs spawn: Mr.Redd and Mr.Scary

Everyone other than for the SCPs spawn as a TFO guard. A single person spawns as 05-04.

Items and Weapons spawn as normal.

Special: In the medbay(on site-19 and site-14, forgot if its still on) and in one of the cells in EZ in 61(The room where the pillar is crashed through), 231 would spawn. 231 is not controled by any player and is just an entity. 231 would use an Alyx model.(So either just an 'ALYX NPC STANDING THERE' visually, or an alyx 'ragdoll' on the floor. Whichever is easier).


Description of Special Roles:

Mr. Redd:


Health: 1000(Might be too high or too low, would need to playtest to see)

Speed: Normal human speed(with ability to sprint)

Spawn: D-class spawn

Model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=634290441 


Description: Spawns with a knife(Can use one of the CS:GO knives models) that does 50 damage when stabbing someone with it. Additionally, he passively regenerates health over time(3 hp a second).




Health: Same as SCP-457.

Speed: Human walking speed

Spawn: D-class spawn point

Model: A d-class model or a civilian model with a 'rusty' looking texture applied. 


Description: People near Mr.Scary take 10 damage a second and get afflicted with a damage over time('RUST') that lasts for 10 seconds and slows them by 40% until it wears off. Wearing a hazmat suit renders you immune to the DOT but not to the radius damage. People with the Rust can spread it to other people while they still have it. Using a scp-500 instantly ends the Rust.




Health: 9000

Speed: 610 walking speed(i believe its slower than normal but still faster than 682. If not... well, a speed faster than 682's walking speed but slower than any other walking speed)

Spawn: Special

Model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1111387590


Description: Spawns when Mr.Redd or Mr.Scary reaches 231. His weapon instant kills anyone it hits, and instantly destroys gates no matter their health. He has long range(682 range). If he escapes the round instantly ends in SCP victory(Except, instead of reading 'SCPS WIN' it reads 'SCARLET KING WINS', and plays this as the win audio: 







Health: 150

Speed: Normal human walk and sprint speed

Spawn: With TFO Guards

Model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1643209928


Description: Can freeze people in place with a special starting weapon and heal people(behaves exactly like scp-999's swep). Can carry any amount of items(EX: he can carry a medkit and a scp-500 at the same time, can carry one of each gun at the same time, has no max cap for picking up ammo, etc), but can't carry duplicate items. Shows up as 05-04 ingame(only included the 'other two names' on the suggestion incase anyone who read the tale is complaining).


Round Description:

Its up to the TFO and their totally not suspicious at all 05-04 to prevent Mr.Redd and Mr.scary from reaching 231 and releasing the scarlet king's 7th son upon the world. When Redd or Scary reaches the 231 entity they vanish and a random person respawns as the Seventh. If there is somehow no one dead to respawn as the Seventh, a random living person will be respawned as the Seventh instead. 


Even if Redd and Scary manage to reach 231, any surviving TFO can make a last ditch effort to prevent the Seventh( as well as Mr.Redd and Mr.Scary) from escaping, no matter how unlikely it is due to the Seventh being intentionally overpowered. 


Bonus: Add in BFG division from doom to start playing when the Seventh is spawned to really add to the mood.

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