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Posted  Edited by Mari - Edit Reason: E

New SCP: SCP-860-2 AKA the purple cat thing from SCP CB in SCP-860-1.


PlayerModel:  Search Up SCP-860-2 in GMod Workshop and there should be a player model made from novux


Damage: 25 Normal, 50 Ability


Health: 900 lowest - 1100 most health


Random Features: SCP Able To Sprint, SCP Attacks as fast as the crowbar.


Ability: A Rage Mode That Goes For 10 Seconds, The Rage Mode Make SCP-860-2: Sprint Faster, Does 50 Damage Per Shot.


Spawnpoint: SCP-860-1 (forest)


oh ok then: its me indo 

Edited by Mari

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We already have the forest but it does not have any good use other than to hide in. 


I can see this being good, kind of like 939.



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Thanks For The Support I Usually See You Liking My Ideas, But I Dont See How This Relates To 939, Its Not Sneaky It Will Just Use Its Regular PM. And 939 Doesnt Enter A Rage Mode

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48 minutes ago, Maximino007 said:

I don't know, seems like a glass cannon version of 096 especially with the big playermodel.

we do have a SCP-682 model that clips through most walls, and with 939 as well, so the playermodel is normal. And for the 096 part, 096 does go into a rage mode, but it does more damage and goes faster. 860-2 can also attack without the frenzy mode, and move well unlike 096

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Posted  Edited by Maximino007
4 hours ago, Mari said:

we do have a SCP-682 model that clips through most walls, and with 939 as well, so the playermodel is normal. And for the 096 part, 096 does go into a rage mode, but it does more damage and goes faster. 860-2 can also attack without the frenzy mode, and move well unlike 096

Yes, 682 and 939 both have models that clip through walls but I mean that since all of the 860-2 playermodels are big, it will get shot through walls if it's standing next to one.

What makes 682 and 939 different than what I'm talking about is that 682 has alot of health so it can take lots of hits. 939 can disguise into a researcher to avoid people shooting at it.

860-2 has less health than both 682 and 939 so 860-2 would die a lot earlier than the other SCPs.

And yes, there are other SCPs with as low health but most of the SCPs who have low base health either are fast, small, or has lots of stealth.


Also, 096 does not have more damage than 860-2's rage mode. 096 has to hit a enemy about 4 times and they die, 860-2 in it's rage state has to hit an enemy 2 times to kill them.

That is why I believe this is a Glass Cannon Version of 096.

Edited by Maximino007

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096 actually 3 shots people doing 35/45 damage per hit, its easy to not clip through walls with giant player models, and 860 is fast  being able to sprint AND making that sprint faster in the rage mode

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