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Banned account appeal

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Name: BlaX


Steam ID: Steam ID
|  steam3ID: [U:1:169334416]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:84667208
| steamID64: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198129600144


Banned by: Console (alt account used to find this out by online admin on server)


Ban reason: According to console, cheating. But when loading BRDM


Why you should be unbanned: This is a shared account and i assume that my younger brother joined the server and just shot everyone because hes annoying like that sometimes. If you unban me, ill show i will not be toxic, RDM, and i will be a good player :)

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Posted  Edited by JadedJade - Edit Reason: Second edit, Everything after the first line again, and fixed my mistake.

Hey, would you be willing to Give me the steamID of your Alternate Account? Please and thanks.


Literally have to Redo everything i said, I however, am Keeping the Ban on your Alt account for Ban evading cause that's still wrong, Go through official Channels first, not the server.


Firstly, your Ban was from 2014, Making that 5 years ago, you're more than well enough for an Appeal.


You were banned for Mass RDM, and giving what you said, you're still responsible for the actions that happen on your Account, But, the ban was 5 years ago.


If you're willing to Go on record that you wont Ban evade again and Won't be a toxic player you'll be unbanned.


I'm sorry for my Mistake (Although nearly blind, It's still unacceptable), This will be dealt with.





Have a nice Day!


Sincerely, Senior Admin Davoony.

Edited by JadedJade
Second edit, Everything after the first line again, and fixed my mistake.


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I was not aware of the official ways to get to the unban of my main. However, the alt account that was used is not my account. That account was a mates and i was at his place overnight

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Posted  Edited by JadedJade - Edit Reason: Colors

I still require an answer, Do you promise not to Ban evade again?

Edited by JadedJade


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Then i'll have a higher-up Unban you Right away, Sorry for this inconvenience.


Let this be known though, Anything that happens on your Account is your Responsibility, And you will have to own up to that.


No hard feelings from the Admin team, have fun.






Have a Nice Day!


Sincerely, Senior Admin Davoony.


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Interesting, Should've been unbanned already, Might have something to do with our Database move, Although i don't think it would.


Both of your bans have been Undone on Sourcebans, You should have access.


And i checked, Your only Permaban on record from your accounts were for Mass RDM, And ban evasion, One was 5 years ago, The other was tonight, And both have been undone according to Sourcebans.image.png.d586a427836b7fe38109171ad00a0952.png




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After talking it over with @WigglesWorth (Sorry for the ping Dweeb)


It probably is because of our Database move, To which i don't think we can do anything about it, I might be wrong.


What i do know though, Is that Both of the accounts banned, have been unbanned, When the database is fully functional again you should be able to play on our servers no issue.


I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Unfortunately, We can't do much currently. (Higher-ups feel free to Prove me wrong.






Have a Nice day, And Sorry again!


Sincerely, Senior Admin Davoony.


(AS far as i know this can be Locked and Closed)


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@BlaX Are you still banned? I checked the server's ban list via listid and listip. You didn't show up in that list. The one thing I noticed is the SBan module on the server had an outdated config file in the server's data/ directory (I updated this). However, the lua file was up-to-date.


What's strange is it banned you and put it into the correct database. Perhaps updating the data config file resolved this issue (will probably take effect on map change).



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