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New Special Round: NEEEEEERDS

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Everyone Is A Researcher....

Or Is That So...?


Some Players Will Spawn As Dr. Maynard


Dr. Maynards Are Meant To Prevent The Researchers From Escaping


Researchers Are Meant To Escape


There Are Some 939s In The Round Though...


939s Job Is To Escape, And KILL!


Foundation Wins If Researchers Win Or SCPs And  Dr. Maynards Die


CI Win If All Researchers And 939s Die


SCPs Win If All Humans Die, OR  They Escape



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So a more chaotic Trouble in SCP Town? Hmm.....


Why not.  +1


Also: who is this poster, I have never EVER seen them before I wonder who they are in-game, I've looked EVERYWHERE and it says nowhere omg I can't believe I don't know who this is 

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