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A Discussion About New/Upcoming Movies

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Posted  Edited by Nerd

Basically, I want to hear about the movies that each one of you guys are looking forward to seeing, or have already seen and enjoyed.

For me, it's Kubo and the Two Strings. Has anyone here seen it yet?


(Please remember to keep movie spoilers to an absolute minimum-- when you do include them, be sure to use spoiler tags)

Edited by Nerd

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9 minutes ago, Syrus said:

I see that you tagged this with summer.... My summer is about to end.


The end of summer vacation doesn't signify the end of the summer season. That's more of what I'm getting at.

Don't feel so down, by the way. You still have the opportunity to do fun things (such as going to the theaters) during the weekends, right?

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Well, Moana is what I'm most hyped for.

I haven't really seen any princess movies besides frozen.

But the soundtrack in the Moana trailer sounds absolutely incredible.

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Someone took me out for War Dogs the other day, and it was pretty good.  It wasn't exactly a funny one that you would expect Jonah Hill to be in although there were a few funny parts and his character was funnier compared to the rest; however, it was such an interesting story... based on a true story... but they did piece it together well and everyone suited and played their role just right.  I personally liked it better than Suicide Squad and would recommend it to friends.


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