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Admin Application

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Posted  Edited by MemeDippin

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:103302213

Link to Steam Account: http://steamcommunity.com/id/illhackyourmum/

What are you applying for: Admin

Why do you want to apply for the above position: I want to apply for admin because I want to help out the server and help other players, also rarely any admins are on so ill try to be on the server if i can if I time.

What you have to offer our server and the community: What I can offer to the community is i can help out players i can enforce the rules and always try to be on the tf2 combat surf server.

Do you have any prior experience as the above position: No not really.

Why we should accept you: Ill always try to the my best on the server and follow all the rules and help other players to follow them aswell.


Edited by MemeDippin

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Hey @MemeDippin, thanks for applying. This application is going to take a bit while for others to reply. While I don't have questions, but others might. @SouRD@LonelyLettuce, @Razor-Wolf.

You have some issues in the format you typed. Edit the following details: your SteamID, because they're same. Use this website and paste your community profile.





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I don't usually get involved with Admin applications anymore since we have senior staff for each server but I have a question for you.


What would you consider your weak points to be?



So everyone is listing their former stuff so I'll just be cool and list mine :3


Former @HackingPotato's White Knight and Boss Former Director Former TF2 Division Leader Former Community Advisor Former TF2 Technical Administrator Former TF2 Server Manager Former TF2 Trial Manager Former TF2 Admin Former TF2 Revivalist Former TF2 Player Former TF2 God Former Media Leaderish Former somewhat Media team person Former VIP Former Supporter Former Member Former TF2 Player Former Player

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I merged your post. You just use another of your nick name, which shows "Professional ScriptKiddo" - Is this one of your random nickname?





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