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HnS Server

CS:GO Hide And Seek Poll  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Should a HnS Server be added to GFL?

    • Yes, definitely!
    • Maybe, sounds interesting but not entirely sure...
    • No, absolutely not.

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Make a new HnS server!

Hns is pretty much a brother to KZ, and its a pretty popular gamemode in general, and im sure you can win the competition since most of the other servers r bad! 

Edit by @Leks : Added a poll

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1 hour ago, JoyCx said:

Hns is pretty much a brother to KZ

Wait, what? :ostrich:

Edit: You should add a poll to this so we can actually see if there's any interest in this from a community perspective. 

Former CS:GO Surf Timer Manager. (2014-2016) (2019-2021)

Former CS:GO Division Leader. (2014-2016) (2019-2021)

Former GFL Director of Divisions. (July 2020-October 2021)

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Musicality I apologise in advance if you were just joking but this is directed to CSGO division 😂




OT: I don't know how HnS works on csgo I presume it'll work just fine like how I know DarkRP and obviously TTT works in there. I'm voting a maybe.


credits to @Clavers

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Just stepping in here for a bit to clarify what HnS on CS:GO is, since it seems like there's a tiny bit of confusion. It is different from the regular Hide & Seek that's commonly played on GMOD.


More precisely - HnS on CS:GO is a modified version of ChaseMod with KZ elements. It's more of the CTs chasing and catching the Ts, who use movement mechanics to out-skill the CT side and not get caught until the time runs out. You don't actually hide somewhere, it's more chasing than actual hiding. The maps are smaller arenas (with lots of Surf/KZ elements and not much places to hide) instead of the regular higher-detail maps you see on GMOD HnS which are obviously intended for players to find creative hiding spots.


Here's a nice little video to show you what the game-mode plays like: CSGO HNS #25 by HNSCaller

As Joy said, it is basically KZ's little brother - all of the skills you use in KZ need to be applied here for you to outrun your chasers!


It's a pretty fun game-mode, but it's not extremely popular. Might be worth setting up a server and giving it a shot, but I'm not too sure it'll really do all that well. There's a reason there are very few "popular" HnS servers, and my assumption is that it comes down to the game-mode having more of a cult-following (sticking to 1 or 2 servers) rather than a fluid player-base. I would definitely be down to play it, though!



Discord: Infra#0001 | Steam: /id/infra- | GitHub: /1zc

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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted  Edited by Musicality
On 9/19/2020 at 3:57 PM, Bae said:

@Musicality I apologise in advance if you were just joking but this is directed to CSGO division 😂




OT: I don't know how HnS works on csgo I presume it'll work just fine like how I know DarkRP and obviously TTT works in there. I'm voting a maybe.


Did not know since this is not in any CS:GO section, and is just posted in general... :P


Honest misunderstanding on my behalf. LOL

Edited by Musicality


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