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OreoLivesOn's TTT MC 24/7 Mute/Ban Appeal

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Steam Name(s): OreoLivesOn

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:33299248


Admin that banned you: Violator

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): Accused of hacking but it's not true


Why should you be unbanned?

My ban was more than 3 years ago. I didn't hack nor was I an alt of a hacker. I would appreciate to be unbanned so that I can continue to be a productive player in your server, thank you.


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Posted  Edited by Edge
7 hours ago, OreoLivesOn said:

I didn't hack nor was I an alt of a hacker.


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להיות ישר יכול רק לעזור לך
Edited by Edge

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34 minutes ago, Edge said:

להיות ישר יכול רק לעזור לך

look, i dont remember what i did. even if i did hack it was more than 3 years ago, and i dont do it anymore, i just want to play some TTT. I'm a legit player now. Just give me another chance please.

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