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Dale Gribble.

bhop scripts

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(note im not saying to do your job better or something this has been pissing me off for a while now)


i have been looking at some bans on fourms about bhoping scripts, first of all their are 3 bhop methods ik scrollhopping, ahk, and lua scripts.


1. imma start with the ahk it is a script and it is bannable but i believe if someone accidently leave their ahk script on while playing lets say half life 2, they get bored and get on a csgo server and doesnt know they left the script on well it was a accident and it was a mistake but getting perm banned over it? i mean whats the point of perm banning if it was a accident in the first place it should of been like 1 week or 4 days.


2. Lua scripting is a bannable offense ik so this already explains itself.


3. Scrollhopping is NOT a script at all (this gets me so angry at admins) scripthopping is kinda like ahk but its when the player goes in dev console and types "bind mwheelup +jump" "bind mwheeldown +jump" into there console this is called backhopping which is very common in source games i use this in hl2 all the time to get into unreachble spots. Anyway when you ban someone who is not bhop scripting at all it causes a storm of rage because of that single person who WAS not bhop scripting at all.

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"Scrollhopping" is not forbidden and you explain this terribly. A lot of people bind jump to the scroll wheel without issue. What is however forbidden is hyperscrolling, which is a function that most Logitech mice provide. Huge difference between the two and you failed to even mention it. 

Former CS:GO Surf Timer Manager. (2014-2016) (2019-2021)

Former CS:GO Division Leader. (2014-2016) (2019-2021)

Former GFL Director of Divisions. (July 2020-October 2021)

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Is jump stats still a death sentence for folks?


I'm not sure what's going on I'm just curious.  I think this topic looks more on topic could probably do well in general if there's anything more to talk about.


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Posted  Edited by Hyper Lthl Vector
7 hours ago, Dale Gribble. said:

(note im not saying to do your job better or something this has been pissing me off for a while now)


Yes, you are. 


7 hours ago, Dale Gribble. said:

imma start with the ahk it is a script and it is bannable but i believe if someone accidently leave their ahk script on while playing lets say half life 2, they get bored and get on a csgo server and doesnt know they left the script on well it was a accident and it was a mistake but getting perm banned over it? i mean whats the point of perm banning if it was a accident in the first place it should of been like 1 week or 4 days.


It is bannable because it is a cheat. End of story. No butts about it. If you're dumb enough to get caught cheating, you're at the mercy of the staff. If they feel like permabanning you, just remember how ya got in that situation in the first place.


Edited by Hyper Lthl Vector

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