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It's important than you read

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I think it's about time I leave your community. Why ?
People do not like me, because I put music, because I use the microphone sometimes for no reason. Yes and ? I got a mute of 1 week now.
I think this is the signal I need to leave your server for life.
It was what ? The only waiter I was going to. The only reason I was going to play. But it's not every day that I shit with the microphone. And yes I do shit with and so? I admit, I put music, I sing, .. just because I just have fun messy! Just because it's the only place in my life where I still have the right to change my mind with the shit life I have! It is not because I have a life of shit that I can have the right to do what I want, only I hope that after that you understand why I often use the microphone!
We have all our problems in life. I am 22 years okay, except that my problems are important enough to have made several suicide attempts. To be in psychiatric follow-up for 10 months already. To have enough problems that to no longer have friends in real life, to reject people because nothing is going.
It does not matter to you. Only you do not know how badly I live it every time. You think that making me mutate makes me happy?
You think I do it on purpose? You think I want to be unhappy, and continue to fall back on myself? I know that many of you have nothing to do with my life. Except that you do not understand that apart from singing in my microphone sometimes, having fun with the players, I have nothing more. Not because I searched for it, but because I had so much shit problem! When you have a father who taps you! When you have a sick mother. When your family is destroyed! When you no longer have any hope. So yes it irritates me. I'm sick of crying. Cry for a mute! You do not know how bad it makes me. And then they dare to hurt me again, to laugh at me because I am mute. People do not know my life, but now you know it. Now you know the shit life I live! And you can never understand how much I'm fed up with being mute. Mutating 1 week will not change anything, nothing! Because I will not stop singing and have fun from time to time with the players! Because yes even if I spam with the microphone, I did not every day and not all the time. But I did it yes, because it is the only way and place for me to unwind. But no, it will not change anything anyway. Why bother?
What good is it to take the trouble to listen to an asshole like me? What is it? That I speak to you every time of my life so that I may be understood? But people do not give a damn! Me mutate? Me ban? for life ? But go, we do not care. Even if I come to commit suicide. People do not care. Because that's how this fucking world goes. And that may be what I should do or succeed in doing. The only thing that kept me from suicide was not enjoying my life. Now I will do what for 1 week? You think I'll hold? no. I'll never be able to. And the fact that I cry for a mute .. I know it will make people laugh, except that it makes me laugh. I cry because the only thing I had left is leaving. So I'll do what? Anyway you really think I wrote all this for fun? I write all that because I'm tired of letting me do it! I'm sick of not being understood! Gaydalf knows a bit about the problems I have. It's the only admin I've talked to about my problems. But when he, or Miku, or Dogan or other admins tell me to stop my microphone, I do. But all admins can not know.
So thank you Hassan for putting me down, and thanks to you for having destroyed me like other people have done enough in my life.
When I got beaten up on the street because I'm gay, you think I stopped hiding? No. You think that because I subbise something I will do nothing? So I hope you understand what I have written to you. And maybe one day you will understand the magnitude of my problems. And even if no one reads, so much the worse, I needed to say what I had in me, I could no longer keep all that.

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I want to add this:


Just because you have a serious problem doesn't mean you should be excused to sing over the mic. Those are the rules and we have them for a reason. 


Look at me. I'm deaf, and it's not a problem to me. Server management is hard for me because I have to communicate people over teamspeak in order to get in touch with them this quick. I still enjoy doing server management. 


Anyway, you can't just be excused to sing through the mics on the server. It would be just unfair to other people, who may have more problem than you do. 





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all I get from this is that you are being muted from the mic, by an admin following the rules listed by his/her manager? seems like a stupid reason to leave lol


my best guess is for you is to read the MOTD listed by the server manager.

I'm the cs:s Division Leader


feel free to ask for help


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