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FIX Allow France IP

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Its not that french IPs are blocked, you are using free VPNs which are commonly used to spam. Therefore those IPs are globally banned by IPS. Its for security so why not go buy yourself a good VPN.

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27 minutes ago, denros said:

Its not that french IPs are blocked, you are using free VPNs which are commonly used to spam. Therefore those IPs are globally banned by IPS. Its for security so why not go buy yourself a good VPN.

Hello Captain. it seem that you haven't investigated about it.


Soooo my internet "IP" is a VPN ? That's new.



Next time... try investigating more.


I told you "Every" France ip, not just VPN.


Fix it,


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Your IP doesn't change but whole point of a VPN is that you are connecting to website from a different server with a different IP... so 

"Soooo my internet "IP" is a VPN ? That's new. " isn't actually new.

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Posted  Edited by ThanoslBsl - Edit Reason: Vpn
3 minutes ago, denros said:

Your IP doesn't change but whole point of a VPN is that you are connecting to website from a different server with a different IP... so 

"Soooo my internet "IP" is a VPN ? That's new. " isn't actually new.

Dude, i don't care about you're lesson.


I just want you to fix this problem...



PS : I dont use a VPN, I just use TOR to post this.

Edited by ThanoslBsl

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Posted  Edited by Darkling

Just to add, I just tried out my French VPN and I still have full access to GFL's website.


I'm not experiencing any issues that your coming across!


ZYeczzf.pngThis means that it isn't a issue with French IP's in general! ZYeczzf.png


Have you checked to make sure that your parents/router haven't enabled safe browsing on the router.


As far as I can tell it doesn't look like an issue on GFL's side. 

(Denros can only help so much and talking to him like that isn't going to help dude)

Edited by Darkling



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1 minute ago, _Ra said:


download (13).jpg

@_Ra He's using Tor to access the site while he can't on his main connection as far as i can see.


@ThanoslBsl Can you access Teamspeak ( ts.gflclan.com ) I would be happy to help you sort through it but it is much easier to talk you through rather than waiting for a reply.



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Just now, ThanoslBsl said:

Well, try to find my IP on IPS and unblock it... you want a PM with my IP ?



Yes of course, but I can't unban you from IPS' global IP bans. All I can do is appeal.

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I just tried to use a french vpn and it worked perfectly fine for me. Must be your internet bruh (Or you're just really overreacting). 



So everyone is listing their former stuff so I'll just be cool and list mine :3


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@denros I'm just running through some diagnostics with him on teamspeak and seeing if i can get the issue fixed on his end.


ZYeczzf.pngI'm sure your going to have a look at the IPS global ban list like you said and get back from there. ZYeczzf.png



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It's obviously a problem with your end. Ether that or you're just being a troll as that is what it's beginning to look like.



So everyone is listing their former stuff so I'll just be cool and list mine :3


Former @HackingPotato's White Knight and Boss Former Director Former TF2 Division Leader Former Community Advisor Former TF2 Technical Administrator Former TF2 Server Manager Former TF2 Trial Manager Former TF2 Admin Former TF2 Revivalist Former TF2 Player Former TF2 God Former Media Leaderish Former somewhat Media team person Former VIP Former Supporter Former Member Former TF2 Player Former Player

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