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AceOfSpades's Admin Application

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Name: Я| AceOfSpades
Age: 16

Play-time: 241.72
Admin sponsor: @Darkling @iPro @King_Wailord 

Why do you want to become an admin?:

      I want to become an admin because I feel like I have an influence on GFL's Jailbreak. Sometimes on the server, there would've been some player issues (False VG, Name calling, Mic Spamming, etc.) and I wanted to deal with the small issue before it turns in to a big issue and I have to make another MassFK report. The reason I've been playing CT a lot is because I wanted to act like I'm admin and see how people would react to me. JB is only server I've been playing on in the past 2 months when I applied for member. I want to start bring positive influence on JB and hopefully start getting more people join our community and joining server more often.

Why should we accept you?:
      I think you should accept be as admin because I'm active, friendly, and patient. I know most of all the JB's rules and I teach others to know them as well. I know most of the admins that's active on the JB and I have a very good relationship with them; no problems. Also, I've reported multiple player reports in the past 2 weeks and it helped out server a bit, but I want to see fewer player reports as I can to make our community the best. People have a good picture of who I am and what I am capable of doing. Most of the people on JB likes me and I want to make them proud.
Extra information(how to contact you, times you are available etc):
    You can contact be through Steam or Teamspeak. I also have a Reddit account, AceOfSpadesMM.  I'll be available and around 5-pm CST.  Papa Bless. 
Love, AceOfSpades
Thanks for Reading

Updated: 1/11/22 (MM/DD/YY)


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Thank you @AceOfSpades for your interest in becoming an admin.

I am going to currently say +1 and confirm my sponsorship



Knows rules

Knows admins


Easy to approach


Willing to help

Knows what an admin should be



You shitpost.. A-LOT


Things to Work On

Shitposting, it really turns me off from someone.

But I understand you are a special type. :klappa:

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Posted  Edited by AceOfSpades
1 hour ago, iPro said:

Thank you @AceOfSpades for your interest in becoming an admin.

I am going to currently say +1 and confirm my sponsorship



Knows rules

Knows admins


Easy to approach


Willing to help

Knows what an admin should be



You shitpost.. A-LOT


Things to Work On

Shitposting, it really turns me off from someone.

But I understand you are a special type. :klappa:


Thx Ipro!


I'm glad you really like me! <3 <3

Edited by AceOfSpades

Updated: 1/11/22 (MM/DD/YY)


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As a CT, you try your best to make the day enjoyable for the ts even after people are constantly rebelling. I think that is tough to do, considering most people would go nazi and/or switch to T.


I agree with what iPro said. 

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Posted  Edited by Worgee - Edit Reason: Due to recent/current episodes

Thank you @AceOfSpades for your interest in becoming an admin.

I am going to currently say  -1



Knows most rules

Knows admins

Willing to help

Takes time to make reports



You do shitpost alot

You tend to get a tad angry when people don't do as told

You often forget to give freedays to the people you have RDM'ed or saw get RDM'ed (you grab warden as the first thing each round and therefore forgets this)

Acting very weird 50% of the time

Not sure what to do as a CT, (Not confident, which turns into freekilling and giving 0 fucks)



Things to Work On

A bit less shitpost or turn it to JB related :-D

If people are annoying you or something like that then don't hog the warden - they might not like you being warden?

Give the appropiate freedays to the people you/you saw RDM'ed

Stop acting so weird as a CT! Or maybe be less CT since it's not enjoyable atm.


Feel free to PM me (@Worgee) if you have any questions :-)



Edited by Worgee
Due to recent/current episodes


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Posted  Edited by AceOfSpades


On 3/30/2017 at 3:01 AM, Worgee said:

Thank you @AceOfSpades for your interest in becoming an admin.

I am going to currently say  -1



Knows most rules

Knows admins

Willing to help

Takes time to make reports



You do shitpost alot

You tend to get a tad angry when people don't do as told

You often forget to give freedays to the people you have RDM'ed or saw get RDM'ed (you grab warden as the first thing each round and therefore forgets this)

Acting very weird 50% of the time

Not sure what to do as a CT, (Not confident, which turns into freekilling and giving 0 fucks)



Things to Work On

A bit less shitpost or turn it to JB related :-D

If people are annoying you or something like that then don't hog the warden - they might not like you being warden?

Give the appropiate freedays to the people you/you saw RDM'ed

Stop acting so weird as a CT! Or maybe be less CT since it's not enjoyable atm.


Feel free to PM me (@Worgee) if you have any questions :-)




Thank you for your feedback, Worgee.

Edited by AceOfSpades

Updated: 1/11/22 (MM/DD/YY)


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1 hour ago, King_Wailord said:

Hey Ace,

I'm going to +1 and confirm my sponsorship.

You're really active

You clearly know the rules

know all admins

Made reports

Good luck! =)


Thank You for your feedback, Wailord! <3 <3

Updated: 1/11/22 (MM/DD/YY)


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Hey Ace! Thank you for your interest in becoming an admin for the Jailbreak server!
Before giving my verdict, I would like to ask you a few questions!


Do you have previous experience as an admin/in a moderating position? (If yes, don't mention communities, just game/gamemode and position)

What is your favorite part of playing on our server?

What is the biggest challenge you think jailbreak is facing as of right now?

What do you like to do outside of Jailbreak? (Don't give personal info.)

What is your best and worst attribute?

How do you handle stress?

What can you offer us other than your activity?

Have you ever had someone go up your butt?


Have fun replying to these questions :lenny: 


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Posted  Edited by AceOfSpades

Do you have previous experience as an admin/in a moderating position?

No, I've 0 experience as an Admin or an Operator on any server, but I'm planing on learning when I become an admin.


What is your favorite part of playing on our server?

My favorite part was the knife fight area. I come in 2ed place winning 75k credits.


What is the biggest challenge you think jailbreak is facing as of right now?

Playing the same faking map over and over again! *cough* *cough* Undertale *cough* *cough* 

JB have about 14 other maps to play! That's also goes for FFA.


What do you like to do outside of Jailbreak? 

Sometimes I'll go on GFL's 1v1 server or GFL's ZE server when I feel like it or when no one's on JB


What is your best and worst attribute?

My best attribute is making friends with other people on JB. I think my worst attribute on JB is forgetting to give freedays to other people; like worgee said. 


How do you handle stress?

Well at first I'll try to calm myself and think positive. Walking outside and breathing in fresh air really relaxes me. 


What can you offer us other than your activity?
I'm friendly around others, I know how to get along with others, I don't pick fights others unless if it's like a discussion that I'm pointing out something.


Have you ever had someone go up your butt?

Oh Leks. I not sure I'm allow to talk about that. 

DM me...

Edited by AceOfSpades

Updated: 1/11/22 (MM/DD/YY)


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2 minutes ago, Ahsim said:



Fun to play with

Good at CT

Generally well at handling stress

Don't remember having to warn him about anything



Too many Pros



Thank your for feedback, Ahsim! :D :D 



Updated: 1/11/22 (MM/DD/YY)


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      I just want to apologize about bothering you guys about my application. I was being very annoying and selfish. I didn't meant to bother so many of you guys about this shit I'm doing. If I do get accepted, I'm just going to be a regular old admin as the rest of you guys. I don't feel like I can make a change to the community. I just wanted to make the server more enjoyably for me and others. I not so sure if I'll be the one who's going to retire from GFL and not making any impacted on our community and look back how annoying I was. How selfish and not helpful.


    I'm not admin yet, but I don't feel so good right now about me becoming admin.


Again, I'm Sorry. :( 



Updated: 1/11/22 (MM/DD/YY)


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3 hours ago, AceOfSpades said:



      I just want to apologize about bothering you guys about my application. I was being very annoying and selfish. I didn't meant to bother so many of you guys about this shit I'm doing. If I do get accepted, I'm just going to be a regular old admin as the rest of you guys. I don't feel like I can make a change to the community. I just wanted to make the server more enjoyably for me and others. I not so sure if I'll be the one who's going to retire from GFL and not making any impacted on our community and look back how annoying I was. How selfish and not helpful.


    I'm not admin yet, but I don't feel so good right now about me becoming admin.


Again, I'm Sorry. :( 



Stop worrying!


I'm here to confirm my sponsorship and to give you some advice.


Before you applied for admin you were what I would call an "ideal candidate".

However when you started applying you changed how you acted. I would rather have someone who can have fun while playing and enjoys the game itself! If you are just focused on being admin instead of having fun too, you will burn out!

I want you to take a step back, stop worrying so much and just enjoy the game! 


If you get accepted then we will help you and show you what to do.



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  • 2 weeks later...


I think you make some crazy stuff that can be questionable but im going to give you a try to do it, however if ya break 2 rules during your trial i will not give you that +1 anymore, capish goofertrooper

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Posted  Edited by AceOfSpades
On 4/21/2017 at 8:19 PM, LegendaryFluff said:

Hey dude, thanks for your interest in becoming an admin.

I am going to currently say:  NEUTRAL Leaning towards a -1



Very Friendly  

Known by the community and admin team

Knows the rules

Knows how to play CT.

Great guy all around



As @Worgee stated before you been acting very weird on CT.

Every time I see you on CT you tend to break rules.

(I know accidents happen but this been happening a lot as of late)

You don't seem to be acting like yourself ever since you applied. (Which is something that will make the server really unenjoyable for you)


How you can improve to change my answer:

I can't stress this enough, BE YOURSELF.

I feel like you been trying so hard to do everything correctly that you are stressing yourself out. Which seems to be causing a lot of problems for you,

maybe try to act like yourself on CT, and see how it works for you?

I feel like you have potential, if you improve on these things my answer will change.


Good luck on the rest of your application. <3

If you have any questions contact me via steam or TeamSpeak.






Thanks for you feedback.....Fluff 



The sooner the better. 


Edited by AceOfSpades

Updated: 1/11/22 (MM/DD/YY)


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You might think that the reason why we leave some Admin Applications open for a longer period than others is because we want you to suffer or we will deny it.

If we wanted to deny your app, we would do it instantly, no questions asked. The real reason why I left this app open for, as you clearly stated in your status update, a month, is because I, as the Server Manager was unsure and wanted to see more about you, how you behave, the way you treat your peers, etc.


After you posted your app, you started behaving in a somewhat ruthless way, and forgetting rules, it seems. As Darkling stated somewhere above, just relax and play like before.

Being an admin, you're gaining responsibilities and duties, NOT perks!


To conclude, I appreciate the fact you took your time and actually applied, I really do but I am denying your app.

We have several admins that have been denied and re-applied, and got the position because they improved, which I hope to see with you!


I apologize for the late response, but this application has been very controversial with a lot of mixed feelings.

If you have any concerns, questions or anything as such, please contact me through any method you'd like.

E-Mail - [email protected]

Steam - Click Me!

Private Message - Click Me!




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