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Gfl concerns.

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What im am here for is an important GFL discussion that many of you could relate to.


You see, when GFL's website layout was changed, there seemed to be a sudden drop in activity on the website. It is just that im worried that GFL wont live up to its poplarity before the change, and I don't want GFL activity to be sparse. I love GFL and I don't want to see it go under becaue of a website layout change or the recent security breach. I want to hear your opinions on the future of GFL, what might happen next, etc.


If you have any questions, I may be able to answer mosst of them. This is not intended to be a negative thread. I want to make people think about this becaue it is imortant. 

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Posted  Edited by LittleRing

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure GFL's prior website has been up for at least a year. This new website has been up for a few weeks, on top of that everyone had to make a new account. Give it time.



Future: GFL will return to it's "normal" state.


Edited by LittleRing

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16 minutes ago, LittleRing said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure GFL's prior website has been up for at least a year. This new website has been up for a few months, on top of that everyone had to make a new account. Give it time.



Future: GFL will return to it's "normal" state.


New website for few months? Do you mean few weeks?





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Posted  Edited by Finnick
Just now, Benroyjam said:

New website for few months? Do you mean few weeks?

Yeah, cause I'm sure it opened up to everyone on June 4th, [the day most of us signed up]


Don't quote me on that, I'm just saying from when I signed up, which is when I was extremely wanting the forum to be up, repeatedly refreshing the www.gflclan.com page ;__:


Edited by Finnick

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Posted  Edited by 3hunna_Vote_For_Pedro

Yup, 3rd (or maybe even 4th I can't remember) time I seen the forums get reset... just like the other times we will be fine.

Edited by 3hunna_Vote_For_Pedro

Vote For Pedro

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Posted  Edited by Joshy

I haven't noticed any negative effects on forum activity nor in the server I primarily play on (CS:S Surf RPG DM).  We still have our people.


"Take away my people, but leave my factories, and soon grass will grow on the factory ... but leave my people, and soon we will have a new and better factory." - Andrew Carnegie


Charlie Bolden (NASA Administrator) nearly cried in passion as he said this to us in a seminar; I'll remember it for the rest of my life.





I'm not just sugar coating it, but here are the stats if you'd like to look at our population quantitatively too.  You can see the dip from the event, but we're on an upward and promising trend despite reaching our past state.



Edited by Joshy


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@3hunna_Vote_For_Pedro mhm this is gfl's third website. You know your stuff :P


Anyways, I don't know about you guys, but on the old forums it wasn't even active as it is on here. To me, it was pretty much dead especially around certain times of the day. I personally think the reason why it's not as active as it is supposed to be is because people are most likely waiting for it finish updating but that can take months. I'm pretty sure denros is the only one doing these with possibly Roy or Banana from time to time. Setup is only a security thingy person. He basically watches and prevents attacks. Roy is mostly doing revival, fixes of servers, etc. There is also another reason why gfl forum isn't as active as it used to be was because most of the active users were all from CSS side. Most of them are now gone, so what's left is partial of the people from any game servers. Which has always been like this, they don't really come on forums much. Once they become admin, donor, or even member... They don't come onto the forums after that, although roy wishes they do. Since it I'd a requirement. :/


credits to @Clavers

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