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Spawning as zombie every (other) round.

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Well I think this has been mentioned before. As the name implies, it's very annoying to be spawned as a zombie every round or other round especially for a player that really needs to lead on a map or maps that require cts to win to get items (lila panic and tesv). I know there exists an edited zr that prevents that but my approach is different from that, plus the fact that the edited zr goes through every player before reset makes spawn zombie a bit too predictable. My approach would be to make it so that if a player spawns as zm on infect, that player is immune to becoming a spawn zombie the next three rounds. In conclusion, my approach is far less random than the fully random zr but far more random than the modded zr that already exists.


Anyone approve or object? Anyone up for coding something like that from scratch (rather than use that edited zr)?

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I don't think that's unreasonable, but I'd like some numbers such as how many zombies spawn per round depending on population just be sure that your suggested number (3) doesn't interfere with any critical mechanisms.  I think your idea is generally a good one, but if my concern is truly a problem, then your idea can easily be modified with conditions for the population as well.


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What I think would work out best without breaking game mechanics would be the best of both worlds; to pick players from a zombie queue.


Instead of it cycling players or picking them at random, it adds them to the end of the queue as they are infected or when they first join.


Doing it this way would allow an unlimited number of zombies to be chosen at random without turning you into a zombie every other round. It would be slightly predictable, but as new players join the server the predictability is much more difficult.

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With the current system, there can be players who do not spawn as mother zm for multiple rounds, sometimes never. While I feel like this idea would be an improvement, I still see the opportunity for a player to be missed. I think the best option would be the one that causes every player to go through. Even though it can be predictable, its still the most fair.

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I do not support this idea.

What is fair for all players is for the zombie spawn to be completely random.

Now no one is safe from being a zombie and if it so happens that you're a zombie 4 rounds in a row - well, better be the best zombie out there!

I see it as an exploit to be able to stay human for n number of rounds after being turned into a zombie (mother zombie or just being stabbed). You and all other fellas that do not want to be zombies in the next n rounds will rush into zombie spawn. And your game is broken.

Besides, a player who needs to lead can lead from spec (so many examples of this).

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Posted  Edited by Hydreigon
14 minutes ago, opalqnka said:

I do not support this idea.

What is fair for all players is for the zombie spawn to be completely random.

Now no one is safe from being a zombie and if it so happens that you're a zombie 4 rounds in a row - well, better be the best zombie out there!

I see it as an exploit to be able to stay human for n number of rounds after being turned into a zombie (mother zombie or just being stabbed). You and all other fellas that do not want to be zombies in the next n rounds will rush into zombie spawn. And your game is broken.

Besides, a player who needs to lead can lead from spec (so many examples of this).

Being stabbed doesn't make you immune to the effects of spawn zm.  It's only if the player is an initial zombie. It's not fair for players that really know the map inside and out or maps that require the cts to win to use some items. You can't just lead from spec in those situations (especially tesv). If a critical player becomes zombie like twice in a row on a map that the player seriously needs to get some triggers/climb part, then you know something is wrong.

Edited by Hydreigon

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3 hours ago, Hydreigon said:

[..] It's not fair for players that really know the map inside and out or maps that require the cts to win to use some items. You can't just lead from spec in those situations (especially tesv). If a critical player becomes zombie like twice in a row on a map that the player seriously needs to get some triggers/climb part, then you know something is wrong.

Get off your high horse, you are not the best ze player in the world.


ze is about teamplay and if you cant trust other people, because you think they are shit, then dont play ze.


Being zombies is part of the gamemode, even if you dont like it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

No, it doesn't. The ulterior motive is for you particularly to be human as much as possible on the maps you consider great by changing the very foundation of zombie escape - the randomness of the zombie spawn. 
I agree it's nice to be human and play your favorite maps, however it's a 64-people server and it's unfair to anyone (newcomers or old dogs) for some players to use this "exploit" and be human n rounds in a row. These n rounds, as you suggest, could make it so you win (solo or team win) the map (given all the necessary conditions ofc) . That would be game breaking, I would hate to see non-trying zombies who will either go to spec (you never do this, do you?) or just fool around, waiting for the round to be over so that they get their lovely n rounds as humans. 

You do not want to play as zombie and that's your problem - zombies need to try to stop the humans and only with tryhard zombies the game is good.


{You say - if the player is initial zombie, well, tell me what prevents you from joining bit late, on the warm up round (well, this could be prevented by the Joshy's proposed player queue, however this suggestion falls under the "broken randomness category" so in my view, is not applicable).}


Just play as zombie whenever you are and give your best to end the human's round, it's an essential part of the game you love so much. Also, new players need to get items (yes, even vital ones as Dovah' skin on Skyrim) and fail miserably sometimes, taking the whole team with them. The game mode is played by a lot of people, I want them all to learn the maps, to enjoy them, to participate fully so they could cultivate the same love for ze as many have already. Why suggest changes which would suffocate the less experienced players? How are they going to learn? By watching you pick Dovah every n rounds because you do not want to "risk it"?

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7 hours ago, opalqnka said:

No, it doesn't. The ulterior motive is for you particularly to be human as much as possible on the maps you consider great by changing the very foundation of zombie escape - the randomness of the zombie spawn. 
I agree it's nice to be human and play your favorite maps, however it's a 64-people server and it's unfair to anyone (newcomers or old dogs) for some players to use this "exploit" and be human n rounds in a row. These n rounds, as you suggest, could make it so you win (solo or team win) the map (given all the necessary conditions ofc) . That would be game breaking, I would hate to see non-trying zombies who will either go to spec (you never do this, do you?) or just fool around, waiting for the round to be over so that they get their lovely n rounds as humans. 

You do not want to play as zombie and that's your problem - zombies need to try to stop the humans and only with tryhard zombies the game is good.


{You say - if the player is initial zombie, well, tell me what prevents you from joining bit late, on the warm up round (well, this could be prevented by the Joshy's proposed player queue, however this suggestion falls under the "broken randomness category" so in my view, is not applicable).}


Just play as zombie whenever you are and give your best to end the human's round, it's an essential part of the game you love so much. Also, new players need to get items (yes, even vital ones as Dovah' skin on Skyrim) and fail miserably sometimes, taking the whole team with them. The game mode is played by a lot of people, I want them all to learn the maps, to enjoy them, to participate fully so they could cultivate the same love for ze as many have already. Why suggest changes which would suffocate the less experienced players? How are they going to learn? By watching you pick Dovah every n rounds because you do not want to "risk it"?

1. No exploit I can see. When you mention newcomer, if he/she becomes zombie every other round via broken randomization, there would be a chance that player would never go back to ze again. I don't see becoming n rounds as a human an exploit, the whole becoming zm every other round for like 3 rounds for a new player IS an exploit instead.


2. If a player joins, they will be vulnerable to becoming the mother spawn zombie. Same applies when a player immune to mother zombie leaves and then rejoins.


3. New players getting items is not that simple, they at least need to know some mechanics of zombie escape and need to listen too. In fact, this chance wouldn't suffocate less experienced players, what you said was untrue. Speaking of so, if a so called "old dog" becomes zm every other round 3 times on a map he/she knows inside and out, chances of playing that round are low, you need experienced players for the new players to learn too.




In other words

I think you need to stay out of this thread and let the admins or programmers decide on this topic.

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3 hours ago, Hydreigon said:

1. No exploit I can see. When you mention newcomer, if he/she becomes zombie every other round via broken randomization, there would be a chance that player would never go back to ze again. I don't see becoming n rounds as a human an exploit, the whole becoming zm every other round for like 3 rounds for a new player IS an exploit instead.


2. If a player joins, they will be vulnerable to becoming the mother spawn zombie. Same applies when a player immune to mother zombie leaves and then rejoins.


3. New players getting items is not that simple, they at least need to know some mechanics of zombie escape and need to listen too. In fact, this chance wouldn't suffocate less experienced players, what you said was untrue. Speaking of so, if a so called "old dog" becomes zm every other round 3 times on a map he/she knows inside and out, chances of playing that round are low, you need experienced players for the new players to learn too.




In other words

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I think you need to stay out of this thread and let the admins or programmers decide on this topic.


Poor hydreigon, you are still trying to argue...

And yet, you always try to avoid the important things:

" The ulterior motive is for you particularly to be human as much as possible on the maps you consider great by changing the very foundation of zombie escape - the randomness of the zombie spawn.  " - opalqnka

Why dont you answer his argument ? You cant accept the truth on this forum ?


Seriously, you only created this thread for your own needs.


And that TLDR:

" I think you need to stay out of this thread and let the admins or programmers decide on this topic. "

If the admins were really interested in your (selfish) idea, they would have posted already. And you wouldnt have needed to bump the thread.


You are calling that an issue, but it's not. Randomness is not an issue. Some people are more lucky than other. 


Anyway, you criticized every admins before, I'm sure most of them dont take anything you say seriously anymore.


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