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GFLBot Messenger

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Posted  Edited by AceOfSpades

There should be a bot messenger for GFL. Now we have a bot in chatbox, I was think we should have a welcoming bot, a bot that welcomes new players to our community. Players that created a new account or players that gotten accepted for member. Everytime someone makes an account or gets accepted for member, the bot messenger, GFLBot, would message them say something like "Welcome to GFL. We you enjoy your stay." or "Congrats on getting member! Here's the things you can do as a member."


What do you think? I like to hear everyone's feedback on this idea. 



Edited by AceOfSpades

Updated: 1/11/22 (MM/DD/YY)


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I don't think that will happen with the Bot itself. 
Although, I believe there is a feature that whenever someone new joins the forums, an automated message is sent to him through a private message saying something like 'Welcome to GFL's Forums bla bla bla, apply for member HERE, Donate for global perks HERE... etc etc..'
I wouldn't have the bot spamming shoutbox because of how often we get new members.


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Posted  Edited by AceOfSpades
2 minutes ago, Leks said:

I don't think that will happen with the Bot itself. 
Although, I believe there is a feature that whenever someone new joins the forums, an automated message is sent to him through a private message saying something like 'Welcome to GFL's Forums bla bla bla, apply for member HERE, Donate for global perks HERE... etc etc..'
I wouldn't have the bot spamming shoutbox because of how often we get new members.


Of Course. I wasn't saying the bot should spam chatbox. Just msging the new player in the DMs

Edited by AceOfSpades

Updated: 1/11/22 (MM/DD/YY)


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1 minute ago, AceOfSpades said:


Of Course. I wasn't say the bot spamming chatbox. Just msging the new player in the DMs

I think the admin/staff recruiter can do that by msging the new member via DMs.


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4 minutes ago, Firestorm said:

I think the admin/staff recruiter can do that by msging the new member via DMs.

That would require more work.


Having an automated bot messaging new players would be nice and would give everyone a chance to get the member perks.


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@Leks there used to be a messenger bot on the old forums. But I just checked my alt account that I made recently and there was no welcome message.

@AceOfSpades And I rather have a bot than having people apply for the position just to welcome someone.


credits to @Clavers

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You know that thing after where it says accepted that member acceptors are ment to take care of? Have an example VkQiEknXSAyxxpdxVcG-lQ.png though a button to contact would help with ease of access for new members and that would be an easy fix.

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@Roy approved of this suggestion. He'll have @denros to fixed the GFLBot Messenger to welcome new players whenever they register with nice little information as well to help them out.


credits to @Clavers

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