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Posted  Edited by IAmSuperFineMan

For anyone who doesn't know me my name is SuperFineMan. Funny person, and a fine man (hehe see what I did there) I originally came from GMOD Purge around Nov 2014 (Long ass story) as of right now im more active on our Darkrp server then anything atm buuuuuuutttt nice to meet the new people apon GFL and I wish you swell. And if I was to go back onto purge no autism pls. (I originally put GLF idk why I do that shit)

Edited by IAmSuperFineMan

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3 minutes ago, Domps said:

Are you the superfine from purge? I'm pretty sure we have based together before! That's so cool! See you around gamer!

I fuckin hate you sometimes.


@Domps I believe you were still manager of extreme football whatever the fuck it was when this thread was made...

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Are you the superfine from purge? I'm pretty sure we have based together before! That's so cool! See you around gamer!

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Posted  Edited by SuperFineMan
2 hours ago, Rose said:

Woooooooooooooooooah. Is it that one Purge staff member that thinks he's soooo that? ;) 

@Rose ikr i heard @SuperFineMan was a dick, i also heard he was black. I mean can you believe that shit??? and how on earth did he get purge admin??? I bet he sucked @ButterKing5000 dick to get it. We need to put a big effort to move him outta the community as he is too toxic for us... plus he's black and just needs to go...

Edited by SuperFineMan

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1 minute ago, SuperFineMan said:

@Rose ikr i heard @SuperFineMan was a dick, i also heard he was black. I mean can you believe that shit??? and how on earth did he get purge admin??? I bet he sucked @ButterKing5000 dick to get it. We need to put a big effort to move him outta the community as he is too toxic for us... plus he's black and just needs to go...

Let's hope the cops get to him! ;) 


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12 minutes ago, SuperFineMan said:

@Rose ikr i heard @SuperFineMan was a dick, i also heard he was black. I mean can you believe that shit??? and how on earth did he get purge admin??? I bet he sucked @ButterKing5000 dick to get it. We need to put a big effort to move him outta the community as he is too toxic for us... plus he's black and just needs to go...

I was gonna put "Plus he's black and just needs to go back to Africa" but im not that racist towards myself....

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