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TTT Ban Appeal

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Posted  Edited by SenLynx - Edit Reason: forgot id and reason

Name: Sen Lynx


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:144936269


Banned by: Milk Man


Ban reason: Consitant RDM


Why you should be unbanned: I killed an inno because he tried to push me into t room and i killed him and i had a witness and he also banned me because i rdmed last round but i was a T 

Edited by SenLynx
forgot id and reason

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Uh first off, pyro. That is capitan not sen lynx. Also sen lynx, I should have banned you before this point. Because i slayed u 2 to 3 times and you were randomly damaging other players. But i do agree that this point in banning you is wrong but it still can stand. I'm going to let violator make a decision on this with your other 18 bans.





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2 minutes ago, SenLynx said:

You slayed me for no reason thats the point. And i was prop killed and reported the same person for prop killing me on my t round and you dont slay him like thats not fair.

If you want to complain take that to a pm please 





@Ash-'s opinion on gmod: 






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It looks like this thread has served its purpose, and the remainder of the discussion can be carried on through Private Message instead.  Locked per requests by Server Admins.  Thanks!


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