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Nerf SCP damage resistance to 50%

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The biggest issue most people have with the new guns is how useless they feel against scps. Even the volk doesnt feel particularly powerful against scps. Outside of the LMG that mu-7 get, it feels like it takes forever to actually  kill a SCP or do meaningful damage. While scps should be tanky its to the point it feels like you're not doing anything to them 90% of the time. 


Currently i heard the DR is 33%. I dont know if t his means they take 33% of gun damage or if it means they take 33% less(honestly the damage values that show up point to the former in some cases, but im too lazy to do the math right now). I would suggest changing it so they take more. If its 33% of gun damage, change it to 50% or even 60%. If its the latter, change it to a 20% or even a 10%. 

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Hopefully this doesn't get dragged down by other suggestions because the issue with damage resistance in SCPs is annoying +1


Do serpents still have their damage resistance anyways?

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3 minutes ago, Dominick said:

Hopefully this doesn't get dragged down by other suggestions because the issue with damage resistance in SCPs is annoying +1


Do serpents still have their damage resistance anyways?


I dont know.

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