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new special round idea Dr brights family reunion

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one of the rules in the things Dr bright is no allowed to do at the foundation states that if the bright family reunion occurs that you should hide and leave an offering of booze so why not make it a special round? how i would work there would be 10 different brights that could spawn and at least half of the participating server would be a bright. the brights will spawn in d block the researchers  will spawn in entrance zone. researchers will be given medical items upon spawn and increased health (you'll see why in a moment) and extra health items will spawn. now i can already see you typing "this is just a redskined hide and seek" in which case YOU ARE WRONG GOOD SIR! the point is to escape and survive the brights or to kill everyone as the brights the researchers may seem doomed in every round but they have a few advantages 1:more health items and more health and resistance. 2: a device to render them invisible to sneak around but has a 30 second cool down and works for 10 second so only in short bursts. 3:BOOZE! confused? booze will be and item that spawns every now and then and it can be placed like a slam except if one of the brights comes into contact with one he will die and will come back under the excuse he was drunk and a bright may get drunk 3 times exactly then hes DEAD. now then its FINALLY TIME TO EXPLAIN HOW EACH BRIGHT WORKS.

1:DR BRIGHT:dr bright like all brights has passive regeneration and 350 health to compensate for the fact he has A MOTHERF@CKING CHAINSAW CANNON. bright will be able to shoot chainsaws that do 25 damage each.

2:BRIGHTS DAD:he will get lmg and a deagle and will not be affected by weapon weight.

3:BRIGHTS MOM:she will get to throw explosive pies that do 50 damage but she can only throw one every 5 seconds.

4:BRIGHTS UNCLE:a pirate with a flaming sword that does 10 intail damage and 1 burn damage.

5:BRIGHTS AUNT: does 10 damage can ghost through walls for 15 seconds with a cooldown of 30.

6:BRIGHTS COUSIN:may temporaly turn into a scp of his chosing for 30 seconds cooldown 15.

7:BRIGHTS NEPHEW:has a axe that can break through doors that does 15 damage.

8BRIGHTS FATHER IN LAW: has a laptop that will show you his browser history doing 25 damage with 5 second cool down.

9:BRIGHTS MOTHER IN LAW: can teloport someone a limited distance doing 5 damage in the process with 5 cool down

10:KING BRIGHT: may spawn weak crusaders to kill you that do 10 damage 20 second cooldwon

11:(very rare)BRIGHTS DOG:a weakened 1471

ok i know this needs a lot of editing and changes but im tired so ill let you guys figure it out in the comments


spartan-737 of the UNSC


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20 hours ago, Maximino007 said:

My head cannot process all of this at once

Agreed, he didn't separate the sentences for us to understand, all i see is a wall of text. 




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Posted  Edited by A
20 hours ago, spartan-737 said:

ill let you guys figure it out in the comments


Seems that everybody is understanding this right now.


As for the round idea +1

Edited by A

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TL;DR (except I read all of it multiple times to extract understanding) Dr. Bright & co. versus researchers. Different brights spawn. Booze also spawns. Can be placed down and if a Bright walks into it they die then respawn; they can do this three times. Researchers have health stuff and can turn invisible.

For me it's going to be a neutral. IDK how I feel about it round balance wise.

“I was so good at being a kid, and so terrible at being whatever I was now.”
― John Green, Turtles All the Way Down

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1 hour ago, Duc2000 said:

TL;DR (except I read all of it multiple times to extract understanding) Dr. Bright & co. versus researchers. Different brights spawn. Booze also spawns. Can be placed down and if a Bright walks into it they die then respawn; they can do this three times. Researchers have health stuff and can turn invisible.

For me it's going to be a neutral. IDK how I feel about it round balance wise.

yeah i was running out of ideas and i didn't know how to make a proper round suggestion so i just hoped that you guys would refine the idea in the comments

spartan-737 of the UNSC


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