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Online Credits [Suggestion]

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Posted  Edited by Incognito

Credits all tough cant buy physical items, they can buy perks and extras on the forums. Amount of credits can be found under your username and profile.


Earned - The only way to earn credits 

-Creating posts/thread (5 creds)

-Replying to post/thread (2 creds & min of 25 words)

-Recommending someone to make account (10 creds)

- 10 likes on your post (1 cred)


Redeem - What you can get from credits

- Gamble other people for credits (any amount)

- Buy vip (temp vip for 2500 creds)

- Acquire more signature space  (50 crds)

- Change name (100 creds)

- Donate credits to other people

- Seasonal badges which show where VIP shows 

- In game perks ??


Pro - Gets more people active on forums

Con - tends to cause more forum spam but could implement forum moderators, again.




Edited by Incognito

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I can see this being implemented, however, I can also see this being abuse. A lot, unless you mean mostly everyone (Server Manager and down) all start at 0 and no added benefit and/or bonus regardless of their rank.



- Maybe not VIP to be able to be bought, but a completely separate rank specifically made. 

- Every name change increase by the amount it was bought for prior (if you bought it for 100, the next would be 200, then 400).

- Supporter+ already give you in game perks so maybe be able to get a discount for Supporter or VIP instead of getting in game perks.


Obviously this is my opinion, but Ill state it again in tiny print here.

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This is pretty much similar to how Enjin works or any site that has some sort of voting system attached to their server system.


Well, I'll just put my opinions on each list

Earned [section]

  • The creating and replying should be the same thing, and I don't think it should be over a certain amount; considering you get specific credits on the server already, correct? (well depending on the server and how they receive credits) This indeed can consider as tons of spam, but it seems useful to get people to participate in the forums
  • We used to have that option where we can referral someone to join, but that part is disabled. I'm not sure why or if its even working. It's possible that they have wait for v4 or something. I'm fine with this one.
  • Like reputation abuse is against the rules. So this is definitely not possible.

Redeem [section]

  • Gambling is fine
  • Definitely not okay with the buying of VIP. There's a reason why supporter and VIP is bought with real money, people can pretty much abuse this option to get free VIP. 
  • Uh, for signature space, I don't think you need that many for a freaken signature space, and usually they're really short. I understand most people want big a-- signatures and all, but others are forced to ignore them because of the large amount of text/images onto a signature space. RARELY anyone uses spoilers.
  • You can change name why waste credits to have an option to change it. It's in https://gflclan.com/settings/username/ 
  • Donate credits seems fine
  • Um, can you specifically explain about the badges? What's the purpose of it? How would you consider to be able to receive it?
  • In-Game perks seems fine

If this were to ever happen, I'm pretty sure it'll have two different system or more for separate game servers. Because of how each function differently, or they might just put it all in one. Overall, my vote on this is Neutral

For your pros and cons, pros is good. But the cons is false. We have (if I'm not wrong) trial manager and higher can move/hide/delete/warn/lock threads/posts. So that's a lot of people, but it's mostly the community Advisor's job in most cases. Other than that, even with so many spammers and such, they've done a great job at keeping things clean.


credits to @Clavers

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I appreciate your thought into this idea and thank you for it.  I think it's a good one (overall) in theory, but i'm against it.


I believe this would further hurt the quality of posts here.  Just by simply telling people that they can even apply for admin as a Member with a bare minimum of 25 posts...






You can see what kind of excitement that may cause.  Note that I covered the name of this person and no action was taken because they didn't break the rules (every post was relevant and none of the threads were so old that I could have called it necro-posting), but I personally felt the quality of their posts was not very good.  This was one of the better cases too because some people are far blatant and will even break our rules or common etiquette.  The point to this is that people don't need much motivation to post on the forums, and the quality of posts are already not very good.  I'm really aiming to reverse this kind of activity because I'm far more concerned about the quality of posts, the content and how they posted it, and why the posted what they did - what did they want to share with the rest of us?


Next, I'm worried about the redeeming portion.  We want to offer a lot of those benefits and features for free; VIP and donor are meant to be a donation system that helps support the community monetarily... it's already too quid pro quo for me, but we do have a better system than any other I have seen.  I'm worried people would really abuse this and it would hurt the community.


It couldn't hurt to mention that we most recently increased our moderating team.


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1 hour ago, Joshy said:

I appreciate your thought into this idea and thank you for it.  I think it's a good one (overall) in theory, but i'm against it.


I believe this would further hurt the quality of posts here.  Just by simply telling people that they can even apply for admin as a Member with a bare minimum of 25 posts...






You can see what kind of excitement that may cause.  Note that I covered the name of this person and no action was taken because they didn't break the rules (every post was relevant and none of the threads were so old that I could have called it necro-posting), but I personally felt the quality of their posts was not very good.  This was one of the better cases too because some people are far blatant and will even break our rules or common etiquette.  The point to this is that people don't need much motivation to post on the forums, and the quality of posts are already not very good.  I'm really aiming to reverse this kind of activity because I'm far more concerned about the quality of posts, the content and how they posted it, and why the posted what they did - what did they want to share with the rest of us?


Next, I'm worried about the redeeming portion.  We want to offer a lot of those benefits and features for free; VIP and donor are meant to be a donation system that helps support the community monetarily... it's already too quid pro quo for me, but we do have a better system than any other I have seen.  I'm worried people would really abuse this and it would hurt the community.


It couldn't hurt to mention that we most recently increased our moderating team.






Just kidding, Joshy. You know I love your posts. I, myself, thought I'd take a stab at this from a different direction. Personally, I don't mind the idea, but I am leaning towards Joshy in terms of execution.


17 hours ago, Incognito said:

Earned - The only way to earn credits 

-Creating posts/thread (5 creds)

-Replying to post/thread (2 creds & min of 25 words)

-Recommending someone to make account (10 creds)

- 10 likes on your post (1 cred)


I was going to try a pros/cons idea to be a Devils Advocate, but Joshy already seems to have covered that. Instead, for the portion above I'll touch on what Transparent stated. I like the idea of a minimum amount of words, but this doesn't indicate or seem to conform to quality in the post itself. Ultimately, I would feel more like:



-Creating posts/threads (subject to review by CA+ dependent on quality of subject, some threads such the Goodbyes section, or Giveaways will not count towards this)

-Replying to post/threads (1 credit & minimum of 35 words)

-Recommending someone to make account (10 creds)

-15 likes on your post (1 credit)


A bit more of a harsher stance, but I think trying to influence quality into posts is good. I could go further, but I think Bae seemed to cover a lot as well. This was just me throwing in my two cents. 


Will it be implemented? No idea

Was it a good suggestion? Absolutely













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As GFL relies on donation money to keep our servers up and running, I believe it is safe to say that redeeming VIP with these credits is a no go. I believe something is being developed right now and im assuming its much like your suggestion; 



With the global groups and awards sections. I would like to see this credit idea implemented. +1 

Here's what I think should be changed about the suggestion tho (In yellow)

18 hours ago, Incognito said:


Earned - The only way to earn credits 

-Creating posts/thread (5 creds)  Creating a topic that becomes hot (5 creds)

-Replying to post/thread (2 creds & min of 25 words) Only if points can be revised by CA+ (to moderate spam)

-Recommending someone to make account (5 creds) 

- For every 10 likes you get 1 cred

Getting a new community rep (ex. I have the community rep of amazing, the next rep i get i would receive 20 creds)


18 hours ago, Incognito said:

Redeem - What you can get from credits

- Gamble other people for credits (any amount)

- Buy vip (temp vip for 2500 creds)

- Acquire more signature space  (50 crds)

- Change name (25 creds)

- Donate credits to other people

- Seasonal badges which show where VIP shows 

Obviously if earning creds are hard, I would not advise having high prices on what they can redeem. 



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Red - Should not be in this suggestion

Green - I like the idea

Orange - Neutral

Yellow - comment at bottom

18 hours ago, Incognito said:

Earned - The only way to earn credits 

-Creating posts/thread (5 creds)

-Replying to post/thread (2 creds & min of 25 words)

-Recommending someone to make account (10 creds)

- 10 likes on your post (1 cred)

While I like this credit system, creating the purpose of getting more users to be active on the forums, I have some things to comments about.

I don't like the minimum of 25 words. In my opinion, post character minimum should be at least 10 or so(Managers and below will be needing this). I am neutral on 10 likes for 1 credits, and recommending someone to make accounts. Unless someone try to change my mind, I'm going to stay neutral for this.



18 hours ago, Incognito said:

Redeem - What you can get from credits

- Gamble other people for credits (any amount)

- Buy vip (temp vip for 2500 creds)

- Acquire more signature space  (50 crds)

- Change name (100 creds) - Both yellow and red

- Donate credits to other people

- Seasonal badges which show where VIP shows 

- In game perks ??

Gambling is frowned upon, to me, honestly. People waste their credits and lose stuff. Gambling addiction is a serious problem, and to me, this should not come in GFL. We have some people under 14 years old. Buying VIP should also not be in this part too, unless you include buying credits, which would cause "gambling" issue. I vote no. 

As for Signature space, this is not possible, but I am neutral. Why would you put so many things in your signatures when you can do that on your own profile?

I vote yes on Donating credits to other people, which would be very useful. As for ingame perks, I also vote yes. That would mean, more of our developers have to put their time on store and IPB for this whole thing. It'd take at least 6-12 months if anything


Let's move on to Pro and Cons

18 hours ago, Incognito said:

Pro - Gets more people active on forums


While it is. indeed to get more people on the forums, this is gonna be helpful. Encouraging users to go on the forums, and have them post in order to apply for the server they want to be admin.


18 hours ago, Incognito said:

Con - tends to cause more forum spam but could implement forum moderators, again.


We have enough moderation team already, I don't believe we'll get anyone new within 6 to 12 months.


Extra/Additional comments

18 hours ago, Transparent said:

everyone (Server Manager and down) all start at 0 and no added benefit and/or bonus regardless of their rank

Resetting their post would mean forums wipe, which we've had it in late May. I don't want this.

As for the changing name, I am completely against this. We already have a option that allows people to change their name 2 times every month(or something like that). 


Overall: Credits system is great in some way, but there are so many issues and flaws in this suggestion. I'm going to be neutral.





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23 minutes ago, Benroyjam said:



Extra/Additional comments

Resetting their post would mean forums wipe, which we've had it in late May. I don't want this.


When I mean set to 0 is for the credit system, not the like count. 

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