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[Announcement] CS:GO ZE Mapping Contest

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Two more rules have been added to the contest:

  • The size of the map may not exceed 150MB.
  • The map must be compiled with HDR lighting.


This is to avoid issues with FastDL and client crashes.

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If you can make a perfect port for paranoid that will weigh less than 150 megabytes and not crash the server, then I will pay you extra $ 150. 

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The competition has come to and end and the winners have been announced! 😄 You can read about the outcome here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r8FDVK0GeKctNRb4IXIiDom7KISJh4p28lkqKfBYWrA/edit?usp=sharing


Thank you to all who participated and spread the word!

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