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Paranormal Experiences?

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A lot of people believe that the paranormal is all just a false-said phenomenon.


But I'm curious, what do you guys believe? Have you ever had any experiences with it, if so... what?

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Say that time went backwards for everyone except you (People said exactly the same stuff, doing the exact same things as before) when you were in an arcade, maybe a cell tower changed places, or something like the door to the Attic moved. Maybe even Genetics itself changed, when literally everyone said pregnancy took 8 months, only for it suddenly to become 9 months and then everyone goes with it, making you think that you're in a parallel universe somehow.

These are just some experiences of mine...


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I've never really experienced anything supernatural or paranormal tbh. There's been weird things that have happened, but never anything too extreme that I'd consider it paranormal.


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Posted  Edited by PopcornGoesPopping

Well, unfortunately I have actually. I had never experience anything weird or strange before and after the event had happen. I apologize if this may be long, but I can still vividly remember all of this clearly. So, this whole thing happen during December of 2011. I was nine years old during this time frame. At the time I didn't believe the paranormal or whatever you want to call it. Let me tell you, I was one of those kids (still am today) that are very wise, open-minding, intelligent, humble, and very well mature, so whatever or anything that I see, hear, and thought is legit. I never was one of those kids that lie, made things up, or even day dream, I'm always honest and ever will be. So, one day in December of 2011 (I can't remember the exact day) my mother and father had an awesome idea of going up to the mountains of North Carolina, and going to this hotel (Which how this happen) The Omni Grove Park Inn for Christmas https://www.omnihotels.com/hotels/asheville-grove-park?utm_source=gmblisting&utm_medium=organic. My twin brother and I agreed to go up, so we drove through the mountains, which I really enjoyed that while going to Asheville, NC. It was a somewhat an hour drive til we actually made to the hotel (I live in South Carolina). I can remember looking out from my passenger door window, just seeing this beautiful hotel. It was cold outside, so four of us had entered. To be honest, I forgot some of the parts of being in there, but the inside was absolutely amazing just like the outside, and there's a lot of things you can do inside, and there were a TON of people there (The Hotel was doing an Christmas event, so many of other families had came and visit). I remembered walking through some stores they had, we all enjoyed walking and looking at stuff. There were so many Christmas theme stuff, like they had Christmas tress everywhere, presents, gingerbread houses, big train sets, you name it they had everything, super cool. So, this is where it had started at, my father, brother, and I were talking through this some sort of an hallway with the wall to the left of us, and just windows of an amazing view to our right (My mom was in one of the stores at the time) So, us three began hearing somewhat a waterfall, we were confused of where this waterfall is at, so we walked to where the source of the fall would be at, but we can't find it nowhere. (We even looked down the windows and there was no waterfall). I can vividly how confused my dad really was because we can't find where this waterfall would be at. (Keep in mind, we were in the more emptier part of the hotel, where not a lot of people where we were at). And so about a good half an hour after that. I began looking through some of the stores they had, I was just doing my thing til I saw this person that just looks at me. To be honest, I can't really remember this part here, but surely someone was looking at me and I can fully remember the odd feeling, so I got the heck out of there and went to my father and brother and I told them of what had happen. My father believed in me, and we made it back to the store and whoever it was gone. The weird part was I wasn't the only one who felt this odd feeling (It's hard to describe, like that dark feeling and someone is watching you almost) so my father felt that same feeling. Then my mother found us, so we continued doing our thing at the hotel, like going in many Christmas shops, taking pictures of us during really cool spots, and chilling enjoying the view the place had. So, It was getting late like 8 PM, so we began leaving (This part just spooks the living crap of me, I'm even feeling little spooked typing this to be honest, I never shared this to anybody except my family and my really close friends). So, we had finally made it home (At the time we were living at a different house, we lived there from 2007-2016. It was one of those neighborhood developments homes *two stories*) So, my brother and I just went up to the stairs of excitement of going to bed after the long day, just then I got to one of the top steps of the stairs, directly in front of me was my room, and the first thing I see was this person in my bedroom crouching it's back towards me. So, that's when everything had hit me, so I just froze. My brother was behind me asking of whats wrong and what I'm seeing. I said nothing and I kept my eyes on this thing. The description of this thing was an man in his early 30s or 35 at the best, he wore dark jeans I believe, he was wearing a dark but lighter t-shirt, he also had curly hair. He was in a crouch position, having his back towards me, just doing something in front of my gaming chair that I had. I had no idea of what to do, I was so terrified to move or make a sound of if this thing turns and look at me. I stared at this thing for about a good minute before a car entered in our neighborhood, and this thing turned it's head towards the right to my bedroom window, and the car's headlight shines through my room. So when everything went dark again, the person was gone. I don't know what made me to do this, but I went in my room and turned on every light. I checked where the thing was at, checked under my bed, and my closet, so the thing just gone. I can't believe what just had happen, so my brother walked in my room in all confused and worried. I ran out of my room and went downstairs to tell my parents of what had happen. For the night, I slept in my parents room. So, the next day when my brother and I went to school. My parents looked around in my room just in case of something did happen or not. They went to my gaming chair and they found one of my etch a sketch laying there on the seat, and my parents noticed there were two perfectly sketch circles, and my parents were in shocked. To be honest, I ever never played with that thing, If I did, I probably can't draw anything like that. I mean, It was perfectly two circles were made. My parents hired a priest over and blessed my room and our house. Afterwards, my father gotten rid of that chair, which it really sucks, because it was an cool gaming chair that I love using. So, nothing ever happen again or anything, like nothing had ever happen. So I just moved on and live how I do and all. So, yeah that's about it. Man, I actually feel pretty spooked while typing this and I hoped you all have enjoyed reading this. I never talk about this much as possible, but I did because of this topic. I had no idea what exactly happen or why, and I don't want to know to be honest, Lol. To this day I never been to that Hotel since, and never will because of my experienced. From long to short, this would never never and never is going to happen to you, but make sure you know of where you going, because you may don't know the history of the place or whatever you are going, that's a thing that I learned. Pretty much after that whole event, I believe in the paranormal a little more seriously now, and thankfully I didn't had anymore experienced, and pray for God that I never will. That's pretty much it, wow I felt pressure while typing this, and I hope you guys enjoyed this. You guys don't have to believe or what if you don't want to. I guess it's just one of those things that when you see it, you believe it. Unfortunately I had went to that route, and hopefully never encounter anything like this again. Take care everybody 🙂

Edited by PopcornGoesPopping

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Made a sandwich. Turned around to grab drink. Looked back only to find my sandwich gone and a slice of tomato sitting at it's place. Horrifying.

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Posted  Edited by TheJitFace

I have two stories, but I am not sure if mine was paranormal or not, there are too many factors to determine that. 


Back in 2007, I would go to my family friends house everyday because I was too young to be in school and both of my parents were working. Their grandma would be there so it was no issue. I was around 4 years old and my parent's friends had 3 kids, 1 boy and 2 girls. We got along pretty well and we thought we were cousins until like a couple years ago lol. Ok back to the story, so we were playing hide and seek in their house and I hid in a closet upstairs. As soon as I closed the closet door, I heard someone right next to me say "Look at this". Keep in mind, no one, literally no one was upstairs. Everyone was hiding downstairs and their grandma was outside watering some plants. I got so spooked by this I ran all the way downstairs and out the door to their grandma. I cannot explain that at all, but like I said, there can be many factors that could explain this like the TV downstairs or something, but the fact that the "noise" came from right next to me is still why I can't explain it. 


I have another story that is from my uncle, grandpa, and great grandpa. My father was the one who told me this story because my grandpa and great grandpa are no longer alive. Back in the late 1970s in India, my family used to own a ton of farms and we still own some. This was around Diwali time in India, this will be important later. My grandpa and uncle went to the farm because my grandpa just wanted to check and make sure everything was in order. It was around 9-10 PM so no one should be there at all. When they arrived, they saw a woman picking the cotton there. My grandpa was confused because no one was supposed to be there and this woman was there at night doing work. He called out to her and she just wasn't there. She didn't walk away, she didn't dissolve, she just wasn't there. My grandpa figured out what was happening and just went back home with my uncle. Fast forward 20 years, 1990. Around Diwali, so same time of the year as the last incident. My great grandpa and grandpa went to go check again, and my dad was supposed to go with them, but they were in a rush so they left. When they arrived, they see the same woman from 20 years ago doing the same exact thing. At this point, they knew because of what happened before and got out of there. I am going to visit that farm the next time I go to India because I want to see where it happened. I am very interested in the paranormal and heavily believe in it. 


I know a lot of people hear stories like this, but my grandpa and great grandpa were serious guys, like they wouldn't make this up. Also consider that multiple people saw this happen. Also, the fact that both incident happened around the same time 20 years apart is very strange. 


I think for non believers, you have to think about one thing, if millions of people around the globe say stories about spirits and ghosts, do you think all of them are lying or hallucinated? There is no way every single person who has a story is making something up or hallucinated. I think ghosts being real is more likely. 

Edited by TheJitFace


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At my Aunts wedding there's a video of my Grandma dancing with one of my uncles and around her is a little blue light dancing the blue light only shows up on camera and we were all watching her dance and there was no blue light. But all videos of that dance have a little blue light. 

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Not a paranormal experience per se, and not really an experience. But a freaky ass dream. Had a dream where I was shot in the chest with an arrow. It was pulled out and a hole the size of a toilet paper tubing was there in the middle of my chest. What was weird was that I couldn't feel the pain, but I could still feel the wound. I could poke my finger into my hole and touch my windpipe, feel the gorey edges of the wound, and when I breathed in, I could feel cold air rushing in. When I covered it with my palm, it felt like breathing normally, but I could feel the suction against my hand.

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Thankfully there's little to none for me, but one time I had sleep paralysis, I woke up feeling my entire body extremely heavy, wanting to yell but couldn't. At the end of my bed there's this little gremlin demon just chilling and smiling on my toesies, the faq? Naturally it would wake me the heck up but I remember being super tired to care, so I went back to sleep lole


Don't think it counts as paranormal but that's the worst I could think of... or maybe that one time I woke up at 3AM and my right arm swung up out of nowhere.. yeah. Those two only.


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