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Ban appeal - Bluemints

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Name: Blue/ Bluemints


Steam ID:



Banned by:

NotMotder (Nil)

Ban reason:

RDM and leave

Why you should be unbanned:

I should be unbanned because there were two ghosters and rdmers who continuously rdmed me and others for no reason... since there were no admins on at the time, I was kinda forced to kill back. I apologize if this was the incorrect way to handle this but I'm not quite sure what else I could've done. Thank you for reading.



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To be honest,


You didn't have to fight back. All you have to do is accrue all the evidence against them (for RDM and ghosting), file a player report here on the forums, and sit back while the admins handle them.

  1. Take pictures
  2. Find the logs that prove their guilt
  3. Laugh as they get banned

I'm done.


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Hey BlueMints. Since I kinda understand your case I'll be nice lol. However, when there is someone RDMing like that you can't revenge RDM because all I saw in reports was you insulting the person and yet you weren't in the game. You'll be unbunned for now but try to follow MyPhart's advice or just attempt to call an admin. I tend to be on regularly if you have no one else you know to call


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